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Table: smash_dr1.galaxies
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
chiAverage DAOPHOT chi value, i.e. how well the PSF fit this sourceREAL
decDeclination (J2000.0) of source, in degreesDOUBLE
decerrUncertainty in mean DEC of object (arcseconds) from indiv valuesREAL
depthflagFlag of exposure detected in: 1-shallow, 2-deep, 3-bothSMALLINT
ebvMedian SFD E(B-V) across frameREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
flagOR-combined Source Extractor FLAG value from coadd imageSMALLINT
g_ig-i color indexREAL
g_rg-r color indexREAL
gerrUnceratinty in calibrated g-band magnitudeREAL
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
gmagWeighted-average, calibrated g-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detectionREAL
gscatterRMS scatter in g from multiple measurements of this objectREAL
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
i_zi-z color indexREAL
idUnique ID for this object, the field name plus a running numberCHAR
ierrUncertainty in calibrated i-band magnitudeREAL
imagWeighted-average, calibrated i-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detectionREAL
iscatterRMS scatter in i from multiple measurements of this objectREAL
ndetNumber of detections of this source (in ALLSRC)SMALLINT
ndetgNumber of detections in gSMALLINT
ndetiNumber of detections in iSMALLINT
ndetrNumber of detections in rSMALLINT
ndetuNumber of detections in uSMALLINT
ndetzNumber of detections in zSMALLINT
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
probAverage Source Extractor stellaricity probability valueREAL
raRight Ascension (J2000.0) of source, in degreesDOUBLE
raerrUncertainty in mean RA of object (arcseconds) from indiv valuesREAL
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
rerrUncertainty in calibrated r-band magnitudeREAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256 => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rmagWeighted-avarage, calibrated r-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detectionREAL
rscatterRMS scatter in r from multiple measurements of this objectREAL
sharpAverage DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakinessREAL
u_gu-g color indexREAL
uerrUncertainty in calibrated u-band magnitudeREAL
umagWeighted-average, calibrated u-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detectionREAL
uscatterRMS scatter in u from multiple measurements of this objectREAL
zerrUncertainty in calibrated z-band magnitudeREAL
zmagWeighted-avarege, calibrated z-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detectionREAL
zscatterRMS scatter in z from multiple measurements of this objectREAL