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Table: smash_dr1.galaxies
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
chi | Average DAOPHOT chi value, i.e. how well the PSF fit this source | REAL |
dec | Declination (J2000.0) of source, in degrees | DOUBLE |
decerr | Uncertainty in mean DEC of object (arcseconds) from indiv values | REAL |
depthflag | Flag of exposure detected in: 1-shallow, 2-deep, 3-both | SMALLINT |
ebv | Median SFD E(B-V) across frame | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
fieldid | SMASH Field ID | SMALLINT |
flag | OR-combined Source Extractor FLAG value from coadd image | SMALLINT |
g_i | g-i color index | REAL |
g_r | g-r color index | REAL |
gerr | Unceratinty in calibrated g-band magnitude | REAL |
glat | Galactic latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude | DOUBLE |
gmag | Weighted-average, calibrated g-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection | REAL |
gscatter | RMS scatter in g from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
i_z | i-z color index | REAL |
id | Unique ID for this object, the field name plus a running number | CHAR |
ierr | Uncertainty in calibrated i-band magnitude | REAL |
imag | Weighted-average, calibrated i-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection | REAL |
iscatter | RMS scatter in i from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
ndet | Number of detections of this source (in ALLSRC) | SMALLINT |
ndetg | Number of detections in g | SMALLINT |
ndeti | Number of detections in i | SMALLINT |
ndetr | Number of detections in r | SMALLINT |
ndetu | Number of detections in u | SMALLINT |
ndetz | Number of detections in z | SMALLINT |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size) | INTEGER |
prob | Average Source Extractor stellaricity probability value | REAL |
ra | Right Ascension (J2000.0) of source, in degrees | DOUBLE |
raerr | Uncertainty in mean RA of object (arcseconds) from indiv values | REAL |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
rerr | Uncertainty in calibrated r-band magnitude | REAL |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256 => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rmag | Weighted-avarage, calibrated r-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection | REAL |
rscatter | RMS scatter in r from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
sharp | Average DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakiness | REAL |
u_g | u-g color index | REAL |
uerr | Uncertainty in calibrated u-band magnitude | REAL |
umag | Weighted-average, calibrated u-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection | REAL |
uscatter | RMS scatter in u from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
zerr | Uncertainty in calibrated z-band magnitude | REAL |
zmag | Weighted-avarege, calibrated z-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection | REAL |
zscatter | RMS scatter in z from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |