Choose a database in the left panel then select the table you want!

(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
bgs_targetBGS (bright time program) target selection bitmaskBIGINT
cmx_targetTarget selection bitmask for commissioningBIGINT
desi_targetDark survey + calibration targeting bitsBIGINT
hpxpixelHEALPixel containing this location at NSIDE=64 in the NESTED schemeBIGINT
idArbitrary primary key composed from targetid, survey, tileidVARCHAR
mws_targetMilky Way Survey targeting bitsBIGINT
numobs_initInitial number of observations for target calculated across target selection bitmasks and OBSCONDITIONSBIGINT
obsconditionsBit-coded of allowed observing conditionsBIGINT
photsysN for the MzLS/BASS photometric system, S for DECaLSCHAR
priority_initTarget initial priority from target selection bitmasks and OBSCONDITIONSBIGINT
programDESI program type - BRIGHT, DARK, or BACKUPVARCHAR
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique)REAL
scnd_targetTarget selection bitmask for secondary programsBIGINT
subpriorityRandom subpriority [0-1] to break assignment tiesDOUBLE
surveySurvey nameVARCHAR
sv1_bgs_targetBGS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV1BIGINT
sv1_desi_targetDESI (dark time program) target selection bitmask for SV1BIGINT
sv1_mws_targetMWS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV1BIGINT
sv1_scnd_targetSecondary target selection bitmask for SV1BIGINT
sv2_bgs_targetBGS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV2BIGINT
sv2_desi_targetDESI (dark time program) target selection bitmask for SV2BIGINT
sv2_mws_targetMWS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV2BIGINT
sv2_scnd_targetSecondary target selection bitmask for SV2BIGINT
sv3_bgs_targetBGS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV3BIGINT
sv3_desi_targetDESI (dark time program) target selection bitmask for SV3BIGINT
sv3_mws_targetMWS (bright time program) target selection bitmask for SV3BIGINT
sv3_scnd_targetSecondary target selection bitmask for SV3BIGINT
targetidUnique DESI target IDBIGINT
tileidUnique DESI tile IDINTEGER