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Table: nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_bricks_dr7
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
bricknameName of the brickVARCHAR
decDec of the center of the brickDOUBLE
ebvMedian SFD dust map E(B-V) extinction, in magnitudes, evaluated at BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brickREAL
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
ext_gExtinction in g-bandREAL
ext_rExtinction in r-bandREAL
ext_w1Extinction in W1REAL
ext_w2Extinction in W2REAL
ext_w3Extinction in W3REAL
ext_w4Extinction in W4REAL
ext_zExtinction in z-bandREAL
galdepth_g5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in g-band (AB) magREAL
galdepth_r5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in g-band (AB) magREAL
galdepth_z5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in g-band (AB) magREAL
glatGalactic LatitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic LongitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
ncompTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of COMP typesSMALLINT
ndevTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of DEV typesSMALLINT
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nexpTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of EXP typesSMALLINT
nexp_gMedian number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the g-bandSMALLINT
nexp_rMedian number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the r-bandSMALLINT
nexp_zMedian number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the z-bandSMALLINT
nexphist_g_1Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_g_2Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_g_3Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_g_4Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_g_5Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_g_6Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in gINTEGER
nexphist_r_1Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_r_2Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_r_3Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_r_4Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_r_5Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_r_6Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in rINTEGER
nexphist_z_1Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nexphist_z_2Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nexphist_z_3Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nexphist_z_4Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nexphist_z_5Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nexphist_z_6Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in zINTEGER
nobjsTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of all typesSMALLINT
npsfTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of PSF typesSMALLINT
nrexTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick, of type REXSMALLINT
nsimpTotal number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of SIMP typesSMALLINT
psfdepth_g5-sigma PSF detection depth in g-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF modelREAL
psfdepth_r5-sigma PSF detection depth in r-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF modelREAL
psfdepth_z5-sigma PSF detection depth in z-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF modelREAL
psfsize_gMedian PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in g-bandREAL
psfsize_rMedian PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in r-bandREAL
psfsize_zMedian PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in z-bandREAL
raRA of the center of the brickDOUBLE
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
trans_gMedian Milky Way dust transparency in g-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSIONREAL
trans_rMedian Milky Way dust transparency in r-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSIONREAL
trans_wise_1Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1REAL
trans_wise_2Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1REAL
trans_wise_3Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1REAL
trans_wise_4Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1REAL
trans_zMedian Milky Way dust transparency in z-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSIONREAL
wise_nobs_1Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted)SMALLINT
wise_nobs_2Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted)SMALLINT
wise_nobs_3Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted)SMALLINT
wise_nobs_4Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted)SMALLINT