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Table: skymapper_dr4.master
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
chi2_psf | Maximum chi-squared from photometry table | DOUBLE |
class_star | Maximum stellarity index from photometry table (between 0=no star and 1=star) | REAL |
cnt_gaia_dr3_15 | Number of Gaia DR3 sources within 15 arcsec | SMALLINT |
cnt_self_15 | Number of SMSS DR4 sources within 15 arcsec | SMALLINT |
dej2000 | Mean ICRS Declination of the object | DOUBLE |
e_dej2000 | RMS variation around the mean Declination in milliarcseconds | SMALLINT |
e_g_apc05 | Error in weighted mean g-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_g_petro | Error in weighted mean g-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_g_psf | Error in weighted mean g-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
e_i_apc05 | Error in weighted mean i-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_i_petro | Error in weighted mean i-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_i_psf | Error in weighted mean i-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
e_r_apc05 | Error in weighted mean r-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_r_petro | Error in weighted mean r-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_r_psf | Error in weighted mean r-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
e_raj2000 | RMS variation around the mean Right Ascension in milliarcseconds | SMALLINT |
e_u_apc05 | Error in weighted mean u-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_u_petro | Error in weighted mean u-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_u_psf | Error in weighted mean u-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
e_v_apc05 | Error in weighted mean v-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_v_petro | Error in weighted mean v-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_v_psf | Error in weighted mean v-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
e_z_apc05 | Error in weighted mean z-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
e_z_petro | Error in weighted mean z-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
e_z_psf | Error in weighted mean z-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
ebmv_g_err | Error in the E(B-V) from GNILC | REAL |
ebmv_gnilc | E(B-V) from Planck satellite GNILC reddening maps at the ICRS coordinates | REAL |
ebmv_sfd | E(B-V) from Schlegel+1998 extinction maps at the ICRS coordinates | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags across all observations | SMALLINT |
flags_psf | Bitmask indicating whether photometry is likely biased by neighbours at >1%; bits 0-5 correspond to filters z-u | INTEGER |
g_apc05 | Weighted mean g-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
g_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from g-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
g_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped g-band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
g_nclip | Number of g-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
g_ngood | Number of g-band observations used | SMALLINT |
g_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from g-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
g_petro | Weighted mean g-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
g_psf | Weighted mean g-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
gaia_dr3_dist1 | Distance on sky to closest Gaia DR3 source | REAL |
gaia_dr3_dist2 | Distance on sky to second-closest Gaia DR3 source | REAL |
gaia_dr3_id1 | Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR3 source | BIGINT |
gaia_dr3_id2 | Unique identifier (source_id) of second-closest Gaia DR3 source | BIGINT |
glat | Galactic latitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference. | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference. | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9=>~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
i_apc05 | Weighted mean i-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
i_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from i-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
i_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped i-band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
i_nclip | Number of i-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
i_ngood | Number of i-band observations used | SMALLINT |
i_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from i-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
i_petro | Weighted mean i-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
i_psf | Weighted mean i-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
mean_epoch | Mean MJD epoch of the observations | DOUBLE |
mean_fwhm | Mean FWHM of detections | REAL |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme=>~52 arcsec size) | INTEGER |
ngood | Number of observations used across all filters | SMALLINT |
nimaflags | Total number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixel masks across all observations | INTEGER |
object_id | Global unique object ID in the master table | BIGINT |
r_apc05 | Weighted mean r-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
r_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from r-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
r_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped -band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
r_nclip | Number of r-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
r_ngood | Number of r-band observations used | SMALLINT |
r_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from r-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
r_petro | Weighted mean r-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
r_psf | Weighted mean r-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
radius_petro | Mean r-band Petrosian radius | REAL |
raj2000 | Mean ICRS Right Ascension of the object | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256=>~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rms_epoch | RMS variation around the mean epoch | REAL |
self_dist1 | Distance on sky to closest SMSS DR4 source | REAL |
self_dist2 | Distance on sky to second-closest SMSS DR4 source | REAL |
self_dist3 | Distance on sky to third-closest SMSS DR4 source | REAL |
self_id1 | Unique identifier (object_id) of closest SMSS DR4 source | BIGINT |
self_id2 | Unique identifier (object_id) of second-closest SMSS DR4 source | BIGINT |
self_id3 | Unique identifier (object_id) of third-closest SMSS DR4 source | BIGINT |
smss_j | SkyMapper Southern Survey designation of the form SMSS derived from mean ICRS coordinates | CHAR |
u_apc05 | Weighted mean u-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
u_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from u-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
u_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped u-band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
u_nclip | Number of u-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
u_ngood | Number of u-band observations used | SMALLINT |
u_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from u-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
u_petro | Weighted mean u-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
u_psf | Weighted mean u-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
v_apc05 | Weighted mean v-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
v_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from v-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
v_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped v-band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
v_nclip | Number of v-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
v_ngood | Number of v-band observations used | SMALLINT |
v_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from v-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
v_petro | Weighted mean v-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
v_psf | Weighted mean v-band PSF magnitude | REAL |
z_apc05 | Weighted mean z-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameter | REAL |
z_flags | Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from z-band measurements in photometry table | SMALLINT |
z_mmvar | Magnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped z-band PSF magnitudes | REAL |
z_nclip | Number of z-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate | SMALLINT |
z_ngood | Number of z-band observations used | SMALLINT |
z_nimaflags | Number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from z-band measurements in photometry table | INTEGER |
z_petro | Weighted mean z-band Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
z_psf | Weighted mean z-band PSF magnitude | REAL |