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Table: phat_v2.phot_mod
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
brickBrick number, 1-23SMALLINT
decDeclination (J2000)DOUBLE
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
f110w_chiChi of fit, F110WREAL
f110w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter, F110WREAL
f110w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F110WREAL
f110w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f110w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F110W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f110w_rateNormalized count rate, F110W countsREAL
f110w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F110W countsREAL
f110w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F110WREAL
f110w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F110WREAL
f110w_snrSignal-to-noise, F110WREAL
f110w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F110WREAL
f160w_chiChi of fit, F160WREAL
f160w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter, F160WREAL
f160w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F160WREAL
f160w_f110wF160W-F110W colorREAL
f160w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f160w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F160W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f160w_rateNormalized count rate, F160W countsREAL
f160w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F160W countsREAL
f160w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F160WREAL
f160w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F160WREAL
f160w_snrSignal-to-noise, F160WREAL
f160w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F160WREAL
f275w_chiChi of fit, F275WREAL
f275w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter,F275WREAL
f275w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F275WREAL
f275w_f160wF275W-F160W colorREAL
f275w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f275w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F275W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f275w_rateNormalized count rate, F275W countsREAL
f275w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F275W countsREAL
f275w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F275WREAL
f275w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F275WREAL
f275w_snrSignal-to-noise, F275WREAL
f275w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F275WREAL
f336w_chiChi of fit, F336WREAL
f336w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter, F336WREAL
f336w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F336WREAL
f336w_f275wF336W-F275W colorREAL
f336w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f336w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F336W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f336w_rateNormalized count rate, F336W countsREAL
f336w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F336W countsREAL
f336w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F336WREAL
f336w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F336WREAL
f336w_snrSignal-to-noise, F336WREAL
f336w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F336WREAL
f475w_chiChi of fit, F475WREAL
f475w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter, F475WREAL
f475w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F475WREAL
f475w_f336wF475W-F336W colorREAL
f475w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f475w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F475W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f475w_rateNormalized count rate, F475W countsREAL
f475w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F475W countsREAL
f475w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F475WREAL
f475w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F475WREAL
f475w_snrSignal-to-noise, F475WREAL
f475w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F475WREAL
f814w_chiChi of fit, F814WREAL
f814w_crowdDolPHOT crowding parameter, F814WREAL
f814w_errMagnitude uncertainty, F814WREAL
f814w_f475wF814W-F475W colorREAL
f814w_flagDolPHOT photometric quality flag, F110W (0 clean measurement)SMALLINT
f814w_gstDoes the source pass the GST criteria of Williams et al (2014) in F814W (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
f814w_rateNormalized count rate, F814W countsREAL
f814w_raterrNormalized count rate uncertainty, F814W countsREAL
f814w_roundDolPHOT roundness parameter, F814WREAL
f814w_sharpDolPHOT sharpness parameter, F814WREAL
f814w_snrSignal-to-noise, F814WREAL
f814w_vegaVEGAMAG magnitude, F814WREAL
fieldField number, 1-18SMALLINT
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM base 9 indexINTEGER
inside_brickWas the source inside the defined brick region (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
inside_chipgapWas the source on the ACS chipgap of that field (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
inside_irWas the source inside the IR footprint (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
inside_other_chipgapWas the source on the ACS chipgap of another field (1 Yes, 0 No)SMALLINT
ir_xObject X position on WFC3 IR channelREAL
ir_yObject Y position on WFC3 IR channelREAL
nest4096HEALPix index (NEST scheme, NSIDE 4096)INTEGER
objidObject ID (may not be unique)CHAR
objid_uniqUnique object ID constructed from objid, brick, fieldVARCHAR
raRight ascension (J2000)DOUBLE
random_idUnique random number between 0 and 100REAL
ring256HEALPix index (RING scheme, NSIDE 256)INTEGER
xObject X position on reference image (or first image, if no reference)REAL
yObject Y position on reference image (or first image, if no reference)REAL