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Table: desi_edr.ztile
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
chi2Best fit chi squaredDOUBLE
coadd_exptimeSum of the exposure times contributing to the coadd for this targetREAL
coadd_fiberstatusBitwise AND of the FIBERSTATUS values of the spectra used in the coaddINTEGER
coadd_numexpNumber of exposures included in the coadd for this targetSMALLINT
coadd_numnightNumber of different nights included in the coadd for this targetSMALLINT
coadd_numtileNumber of different tiles included in the coadd for this targetSMALLINT
coeff_0Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_1Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_2Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_3Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_4Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_5Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_6Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_7Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_8Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
coeff_9Redrock template coefficientsDOUBLE
deltachi2Delta-chi-squared for template fit from RedrockDOUBLE
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
firstnightKPNO Calendar Date for the first NIGHT of the observation of the TILEIDINTEGER
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9Ninth level (~10 arcmin resolution) Hierarchical Triangular Mesh index (Szalay et al. 2007)INTEGER
idArbitrary primary key composed from targetid, survey, programVARCHAR
lastnightKPNO Calendar Date for the last NIGHT of the observation of the TILEIDINTEGER
main_nspecNumber of coadded spectra for this TARGETID in Main surveySMALLINT
main_primaryBoolean flag (True/False) for the primary coadded spectrum in Main surveyCHAR
max_mjdMaximum value of the Modified Julian Date (when the shutter was open for the last exposure, i.e. not including the exposure time)DOUBLE
mean_delta_xMean (over exposures) fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 X location on focal planeREAL
mean_delta_yMean (over exposures) fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 Y location on focal planeREAL
mean_fiber_decMean (over exposures) DEC of actual fiber positionREAL
mean_fiber_raMean (over exposures) RA of actual fiber positionREAL
mean_fiber_xMean (over exposures) fiber CS5 X location on focal planeREAL
mean_fiber_yMean (over exposures) fiber CS5 Y location on focal planeREAL
mean_mjdMean (over exposures) of the Modified Julian Date (MJD) when the shutter was openedDOUBLE
mean_psf_to_fiber_specfluxMean of the PSF_TO_FIBER_SPECFLUX values of the spectra used in the coaddREAL
min_mjdMinimum value of the Modified Julian Date (when the shutter was open for the first exposure)DOUBLE
ncoeffNumber of Redrock template coefficientsBIGINT
nest4096Nested-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with Nsides=4096 (~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
npixelsNumber of unmasked wavelengths that contributed to the redshift fitBIGINT
programDESI program type - BRIGHT, DARK, or BACKUPVARCHAR
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique)REAL
ring256Ring-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with Nsides=256 (~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rms_delta_xRMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 X location on focal planeREAL
rms_delta_yRMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 Y location on focal planeREAL
spectypeSpectype from Redrock fileVARCHAR
spgrpType of spectral grouping. For ztile table this can be = cumulative, perexp, or pernightVARCHAR
spgrpvalValue corresponding to the grouping type indicated in the spgrp column. For ztile table this is a night or exposure idINTEGER
std_fiber_decStandard deviation (over exposures) of DEC of actual fiber positionREAL
std_fiber_raStandard deviation (over exposures) of RA of actual fiber positionREAL
subtypeSpectral subtypeVARCHAR
surveySurvey nameVARCHAR
sv_nspecNumber of coadded spectra for this TARGETID in SV (SV1+2+3)SMALLINT
sv_primaryBoolean flag (True/False) for the primary coadded spectrum in SV (SV1+2+3)CHAR
targetidUnique DESI target IDBIGINT
targetphotidForeign key on the target tableVARCHAR
tileidUnique DESI tile IDINTEGER
tsnr2_bgsBGS template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_bgs_bBGS B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_bgs_rBGS R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_bgs_zBGS Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_elgELG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_elg_bELG B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_elg_rELG R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_elg_zELG Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbackupGPBBACKUP template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbbackup_bGPBBACKUP B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbackup_rGPBBACKUP R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbackup_zGPBBACKUP Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbrightGPBBRIGHT template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbbright_bGPBBRIGHT B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbright_rGPBBRIGHT R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbbright_zGPBBRIGHT Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbdarkGPBDARK template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbdark_bGPBDARK B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbdark_rGPBDARK R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_gpbdark_zGPBDARK Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lrgLRG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_lrg_bLRG B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lrg_rLRG R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lrg_zLRG Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lyaLYA template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_lya_bLYA B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lya_rLYA R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_lya_zLYA Z template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_qsoQSO template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_qso_bQSO B template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_qso_rQSO R template (S/N)^2REAL
tsnr2_qso_zQSO Z template (S/N)^2REAL
zRedshift measured by RedrockDOUBLE
zcat_nspecNumber of coadded spectra for this TARGETID in this zcatalogSMALLINT
zcat_primaryBoolean flag (True/False) for the primary coadded spectrum in this zcatalogCHAR
zerrRedshift error from RedrockDOUBLE
zwarnRedshift warning bitmask measured by RedrockBIGINT