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Table: desi_edr.exposure
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAverage airmass during this exposureREAL
airmass_gfaAverage airmass during this exposure as measured by GFADOUBLE
bgs_efftime_brightEffective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred for BGS targetsREAL
date_obs[UTC] Observation data and start timeVARCHAR
ebvGalactic extinction E(B-V) reddening from SFD98DOUBLE
efftime_backup_gfaEffective exposure time for nominal backup conditions inferred from GFA dataDOUBLE
efftime_bright_gfaEffective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred from GFA dataDOUBLE
efftime_dark_gfaEffective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred from GFA dataDOUBLE
efftime_etcEffective exposure time for nominal conditions inferred from ETC dataREAL
efftime_gfaEffective exposure time for nominal conditions derived from exposure GFA dataDOUBLE
efftime_specEffective exposure time for nominal conditions derived from the TSNR2 fits to the spectroscopyDOUBLE
elg_efftime_darkEffective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for ELG targetsREAL
expidDESI Exposure ID numberINTEGER
exptimeLength of time shutter was openDOUBLE
faflavorFiberassign flavor nameVARCHAR
faprgrmFiberassign program nameVARCHAR
fiber_fracflux_bgs_gfaFraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAs for a source with a BGS profile (deV profile half light radius of 1.5 arcsec)DOUBLE
fiber_fracflux_elg_gfaFraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAs for a source with an ELG profile (0.45 arcsec exponential galaxy profile)DOUBLE
fiber_fracflux_gfaFraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAsDOUBLE
fiberfac_bgs_gfaSame as FIBERFAC_GFA except for a BGS profileDOUBLE
fiberfac_elg_gfaSame as FIBERFAC_GFA except for an ELG profileDOUBLE
fiberfac_gfaFraction of light entering a fiber relative to expectations for 1.1 arcsec seeing, transparency 1, for an object with a PSF profile, measured by comparing the flux integrated over a 107 micron diameter circle on the GFA images centered at the PlateMaker expectations for where stars should landDOUBLE
goaltimeGoal for total effective exposure time for the tileSMALLINT
goaltypeThe intended observing conditions for the tileVARCHAR
gpb_efftime_backupEffective exposure time for nominal backup conditions inferred for GPB targetsREAL
gpb_efftime_brightEffective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred for GPB targetsREAL
gpb_efftime_darkEffective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for GPB targetsREAL
lrg_efftime_darkEffective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for LRG targetsREAL
lya_efftime_darkEffective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for LYA targetsDOUBLE
mintfracMinimum fraction of GOALTIME acceptable for considering a tile completeREAL
mjdModified Julian Date when shutter was opened for this exposureDOUBLE
nightObserving nightINTEGER
programDESI program type - BRIGHT, DARK, or BACKUPVARCHAR
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique)REAL
seeing_etcAverage FWHM atmospheric seeing during this exposure as measured by ETCDOUBLE
seeing_gfaAverage FWHM atmospheric seeing during this exposure as measured by GFADOUBLE
sky_mag_ab_gfaSky background in the GFA passband, measured from the GFA backgroundsDOUBLE
sky_mag_g_specSky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam g passband, AB magsDOUBLE
sky_mag_r_specSky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam r passband, AB magsDOUBLE
sky_mag_z_specSky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam z passband, AB magsDOUBLE
surveySurvey nameVARCHAR
tiledecDEC of tile given in fiberassign fileDOUBLE
tileidUnique DESI tile IDINTEGER
tileraRA of tile given in fiberassign fileDOUBLE
transparency_gfaAverage airmass during this exposure as measured by GFADOUBLE
tsnr2_bgsBGS template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_elgELG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbbackupGPBBACKUP template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbbrightGPBBRIGHT template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_gpbdarkGPBDARK template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_lrgLRG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL
tsnr2_lyaLYA template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZDOUBLE
tsnr2_qsoQSO template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, ZREAL