Dear Helpdesk,
I am trying to make a large query via a Jupyter notebook (following the advice given in another Helpdesk ticket "how to bulk download the catalog without exceeding the time limit"), however it is unclear if the query is still running, completed or failed?! The query is posted below:
lmc1 = qc.query(sql='SELECT objectid, ra, dec, filter, mag_aper2, magerr_aper2, class_star, flags FROM nsc_dr2.meas WHERE class_star < 0.5 AND flags = 0 AND Q3C_RADIAL_QUERY(ra, dec, 80.21, -69.58, 15.6)', async_ = True, timeout = 3600, out = 'vos://nsc2_lmc.csv')
and upon checking the status of the query I see 'EXECUTING', however after several hours I see nothing and so it is unclear to me whether the query is still running or has failed. I also see no output in my vospace, so do I need to re-submit the query or just keep on waiting? Any help you could provide would be much appreciated.