+1 vote

I'm trying to access the SIA URL "https://datalab.noao.edu/sia/calibrated_all" for cutouts, and getting the following error:

DALQueryError: DBMS query error (ERROR: relation "ivoa_calibrated.all" does not exist

Position: 31)

I've had this issue before, and had it fixed for me -- apparently the issue was an old configuration file pointing to a recently renamed table. Is that the case again?

Full code snippet:

DEF_ACCESS_URL = "https://datalab.noao.edu/sia/calibrated_all"
svc = sia.SIAService(DEF_ACCESS_URL)
ra, dec = 34.0505, -4.239361 # in degrees

fov = 4./60

imgTable = svc.search((ra,dec), (fov/np.cos(dec*np.pi/180), fov), verbosity=2).to_table()


asked Jun 1, 2021 by ddunne (180 points) | 139 views

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for your message.  Please try again, it should be working now.
answered Jun 1, 2021 by datalab (19,200 points)
Yes, that worked! Thank you.

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