0 votes
Also the base-URL seems to be missing in the url for making these API calls.
asked Jun 5, 2017 by anonymous | 359 views

1 Answer

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This refers to the Using the NOAO Data Lab document that is still under development.  As of this writing, that specific section was filled in using development documents describing various interfaces, and in this case it referred to the server-side functionality and not what we expect most users would use.

As the documentation evolves and as we become more of an operational project, you can expect documents like this to expand to describe interfaces needed by both end-users and developers.  The "end-users" will see documentation describing the Python or other client-side interfaces available; the "developers" will see lower-level documentation describing the web service itself.  We expect this documentation to be completed by Sep 2017, in the interim please feel free to ask specific questions on this forum.

answered Jul 13, 2017 by datalab (19,200 points)

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