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asked Jan 14, 2021 by leanne (120 points) | 1,440 views

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi, you can do

pip install foobar

And then restart your NB server to pick up the changes.

Let us know if you need further help.

answered Jan 14, 2021 by robertdemo (5,160 points)
I had already tried that (sorry, should have provided more details).

In a terminal:
leanne@datalab> pwd
leanne@datalab> pip list
bash: pip: command not found
Apologies, I meant

!pip install foo

(in a notebook cell)
Sorry again, I had also tried that. I get eh following error. I have closed and reopened the notebook.

!pip install ccdproc
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found.
I just tried your command in a NB cell, and it worked. Can you please try to restart your NB server? (not just the NB). Close all NBs, and go to File/HUb Control Panel/Stop My Server, and when it comes back, Start My Server. Then repeat the !pip install routine.
That worked, thanks Robert.

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