0 votes
When using the Xmatch tool, I continually get this error when trying to cross-match my uploaded table against the ls_dr9sv.tractor_n catalog.

Error: column g.null does not exist LINE 1: ...sv.tractor_n AS g WHERE 't'=q3c_join(o.ra, o.dec, g.null, g.... ^
asked May 7, 2020 by Matthew | 171 views

1 Answer

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Best answer
After you select 'ls_dr9sv.tractor_n' table, it takes a while to load the 'ra' column box and 'dec' column box below the table list. If you press 'submit' button before the 'ra' column and 'dec' column appear, then the 'ra' and 'dec' for the 2nd table are not selected, so you would see this error.
answered May 7, 2020 by datalab (19,200 points)
edited May 7, 2020 by datalab

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