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asked Feb 5, 2019 by Mattia Vaccari | 1,505 views

1 Answer

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Hi Mattia,

the .exposure and .meas tables share a column 'exposure', which is identical. It encodes several things (please see http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018AJ....156..131N and https://datalab.noao.edu/nscdr1/index.php ), and also (as the very first part of the string) the instrument that produced the measurement. In addiiton, .exposure also has a column "instrument".

Hope this helps, ciao!
answered Feb 5, 2019 by mrniceguy (180 points)
Thanks Robert, this is a good start. Where can I find a description of the 'labels' used in the instrument and exposure fields? For instance, what does 'c4d' mean within instrument and what does tu1955146 mean within exposure? Not sure that'c clear from either the paper or the web page you pointed me to?
Hi Mattia,

The c4d, k4m and ksb prefix indicate the telescope/instrument on which the data were taken. c4d=CTIO-4m+DECam, k4m=KPNO-4m+Mosaic3, ksb=Bok-2.3m+90Prime.  A more detailed explanation of the NOAO file naming convention is available here:

Thanks David, that'd be useful information to include in some fashion in the data lab docs for non-regular NOAO users such as myself.

BTW, what are the plans for NSC DR2, and specifically for including earlier generations of MOSAIC imaging and full matches with other/newer datasets such as SDSS, PS1 (un)WISE and GAIA?
Hi Mattia,

Good idea.  I am currently working on NSC DR2 which will include another year of data and will have improved proper motions and possibly more variability information.  Including earlier generations of MOSAIC imaging is challenging because of the larger number of filters used which would each need to be handled separately.  But if there is a demand for this then I could spend more looking into it.
We currently have cross-match tables for DES, ALLWISE and LS DR4 and DR5.  Gaia would be an obvious one to add.  But for the others we'll need to ingest them first before we can make the cross-matches.  By the way, if there are particular catalogs that you'd like to see in DL, then please let us know by sending an email to datalab@noao.edu.

MOSAIC-I and MOSAIC-II Imaging on NSC DR2 : Yep, I suppose that's tricky. I suppose one would have to prioritise according to the amount of data taken with different filters. Based on projects I know/used, UBVRI (i.e. k1001-k1005 and c6001-c6005) may be the most useful.

NSC DR2 Cross-Matches : I think the most useful ones would be GAIA, SDSS, PS1 and (Un)WISE.

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