0 votes
This page refers to a DES DR1 table named "exposure": http://datalab.noao.edu/desdr1/index.php

Below, it says "To view the schema of any of these tables, use the Query Tool" but I am unable to find the exposure table schema there.
asked Mar 22, 2018 by David Kirkby | 355 views

1 Answer

+1 vote
The website appears to describe an early release of the DES DR1 used internally, not the final set of tables released from DES.  We will correct this promptly.

To answer your question, the exposure information released is in the 'img2coadd' table that lists each exposure that contributed to a specific tile.  That exposure number can be related to information stored in the archive or to tables under the 'ivoa' schema used to serve image data (write back with what you're trying to do if you need more details).
answered Mar 22, 2018 by datalab (19,200 points)
I am looking for per-exposure observing parameters and estimated sky levels.  The ivoa_calibrated table looks promising but I can't tell if sky levels are included since some of the column names are a bit cryptic (and the descriptions are missing):

We're in the process of trying to fill out all of the table/column descriptions, the 'ivoa' tables contain only what's needed to support image searches.  In looking at the NOAO Science Archive I don't see anything either that gives a specific sky level, although there are magzero/seeing/etc values for some images and the des_dr1.main table contains a 'background_[grizy]' column for the entire tile.  From what I can tell we don't have a sky level estimate on a per-exposure basis, and more specifically the sky-level used in the DES pipeline.  That data may be part of the final DES survey data release, until then you might try the ContactUs link of the DES survey page (https://www.darkenergysurvey.org/contact-us/) to see if sky levels are available from NCSA.

Hopefully, somebody will be able to correct me if we do actually have this information somewhere.

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