0 votes
I tried to obtain a lot of fits from Jupyterlab (~6000) but when I try to scp them from the JupyterLab environment, it times out (the location I am sending it to requires a VPN). When I try to use the datalab package and use a `datalab get` command, that fails with a long error report that says the name or service not known. I also noticed that in the error report it uses datalab.noao.edu which I'm pretty sure is outdated. I updated this package to and tried again and has the same failure.

Can someone help me here?
asked Dec 11, 2022 by derrcarr (220 points) | 247 views

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi, thanks for reaching out.

Can you please post a few more specifics?

1. Where are your files located? In the storage space in your JupyterLab environment? Or in your VOSpace? (i.e. can you say where you saved those files when you created them?)

2. Are you trying to fetch the files from outside, or push them somewhere from within the Data Lab system? (scp from outside to fetch won't work, per security policy).

3. You mention you tried the 'datalab get' command, i.e., I assume you are invoking it from an external machine? Can you please post here the full command that you are trying to issue?
answered Dec 11, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)
Files are in my VOSpace presumably. Exact path is /dlusers/derrcarr/vospace/ and then a directory within this path.

I was trying to fetch the files from outside aka somewhere not within Data Lab systems

the full command I was using for datalab get is "datalab get fr=vos://DIRECTORYNAME/FILE"
FWIW, here's the error report I get

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='datalab.noao.edu', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /storage/get?name=vos://Dec_2022_r/rf0002_data.fits (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd3d56644e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
For your command, you will probably also have to specify the destination using the 'to' argument, e.g.:

datalab get fr=vos://DIRECTORYNAME/FILE to=FILE

But that comes after the 'noao' issue.

What do you get when you type

datalab version

The current version is 2.20.1

If you haven't used the datalab command since we switched to the noirlab.edu domain, please also check that you followed the steps in Section "Configuration update: If you upgraded from a version prior to v2.20.0" in https://github.com/astro-datalab/datalab/blob/master/README.md

Please let us know if this solved the issue.
So I started up a new conda environment and did a fresh pip install as indicated on the link you sent me. The datalab version is 2.20.1. Specifying the destination, I still get the same error at the end of the host='datalab.noao.edu'.
Sorry, I forgot to sign in, I believe it works now. Thanks for your help!
Great, glad to hear that!

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