0 votes

I have a query that works fine with async_=False, but immediately errors when async_=True. Is there a problem with the query, or is there some other issue?

big_q = """
SELECT quick_object_id, ra, dec, mag_psf_g, mag_psf_i
FROM delve_dr2.objects
mag_psf_g < 24. AND magerr_psf_g < 0.2
AND (mag_psf_g - mag_psf_i) < 1.5
AND extended_class_g <= 1 AND extended_class_i <= 1 
AND extended_class_g > -1 AND extended_class_i > -1
AND random_id < 1

# This works fine:

test = qc.query(sql=big_q, async_=False, verbose=1, fmt='table') 

# This throws an error:

test2 = qc.query(sql=big_q, async_=True, verbose=1, timeout=86400, fmt='table')

Status = ERROR; elapsed time: 1, timeout in 86399
Retrieving error
asked Nov 23, 2022 by Adrian | 84 views

1 Answer

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Best answer
Async queries are run through our TAP service and the ADQL parser requires floating-point numbers to include values right of the decimal.  So, your "mag_psf_g < 24." should use 24.0 instead and the query should run.  Let us know if you continue to have problems.
answered Nov 23, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)

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