0 votes
First, how much RAM do we have in datalab?

And do we need to install something to display the memory usage?
asked Jun 16, 2022 by anonymous | 95 views

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi, thanks for reaching out. We currently don't run a RAM usage tool (but are looking into activating it). The notebook server is a (large) shared machine. Try to be mindful of other users regarding RAM consumption, but you should be fine running jobs that require 8 or even 16 GB of RAM.

answered Jun 16, 2022 by robertdemo (5,160 points)
0 votes
I've reactivated one of the memory usage displays which you should see on the lower-left bottom panel of the screen the next time your server is started.  Note, however, this displays only the memory used by all notebooks under your server, not the global usage on the machine itself.  For the notebook server machine, there is 192GB available RAM for shared use by all users.  There have been a few times when kernels were killed due to out-of-memory errors, however this is rare.

Other resource monitors are being evaluated and will be made available after testing.
answered Jun 16, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)

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