0 votes
I'm using a code that retrieves the access_url and uses it to download the cutout. When I run it, I get something like "access_url&POS=325.8954519,0.8876010457&SIZE=0.005555555555555556,0.005555555555555556" for the access_url using sia_service.search. Based on the code, it seems like this wasn't what it was expecting, as it later gives a Malformed URL error when trying to download the cutout:

ValueError: Malformed URL: 'access_url&POS=325.8954519391551,0.8876010457331891&SIZE=0.005555555555555556,0.005555555555555556'

This was working previously. I'm just wondering, was the format of the access_url recently changed, or is this an issue from somewhere else in the code.

To get the access_url, I ran:

import pandas

from pyvo.dal.sia import SIAService

SIA_URL = "https://datalab.noirlab.edu/sia/nsc_dr2"

sia_service = SIAService(SIA_URL)

center = (325.8954519,0.8876010457)

result = sia_service.search(center, size=(20/3600., 20/3600.)).to_table().to_pandas()
asked Jun 7, 2022 by anonymous | 75 views

1 Answer

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Best answer
Thanks for pointing this out, there was indeed a recent change to the SIA tables where a typo caused the problem you report.  The tables have been restored and the problem should be resolved, but please let us know if you still have problems.
answered Jun 7, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)

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