Hi, thanks for reaching out. We don't currently provide a browser-based interface to the tables in a user's MyDB instance (with the exception of the web-crossmatching tool: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/xmatch.php ).
Where do you see a tab for MyDB in the Query web interface? ( https://datalab.noirlab.edu/query.php )
To access the tables in your MyDB, please use (in a notebook or Python script) a query like this:
from dl import queryClient as qc
csv = qc.query("select * from mydb://mytable001")
or a number of different "computable" formats, e.g. Pandas:
df = qc.query("select * from mydb://mytable001",fmt='pandas')
We hope this is helpful. Please let us know of any other questions you have.