+1 vote

Hi Robert,

Thanks so much for your reply. I am wondering is there any other method to access the calibrated DELVE images from datalab? I tried to use coadd_all in the SIA service but cannot find images for many of the DELVE objects.



related to an answer for: DELVE sia service
asked Apr 28, 2022 by feigewang (180 points) | 93 views

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Hi Feige, I'm told that the DELVE team reduced the images with a different pipeline than the Community Pipeline, meaning that the catalogs released in DELVE DR1 and DR2 don't correspond to any of the images we have in Data Lab SIA or in the Astro Data Archive. For DR3, when DELVE release also the images, we will have a copy and a SIA service for that.

Until then, I think you would have to be in the DELVE team to have access to images.

answered Apr 28, 2022 by robertdemo (5,160 points)
selected Apr 28, 2022 by feigewang
Hi Feige, Robert is correct. DELVE uses the DES Data Management pipeline to reduce the images. However, It should be possible to get the corresponding Community Pipeline reductions of most images. There is an example doing this near the end of the DELVE example notebook here:

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