0 votes

Hello! I am trying to download a cutout with following url https://datalab.noirlab.edu/svc/cutout?col=ls_dr9&siaRef=legacysurvey-1563p005-image-g.fits.fz&extn=1&POS=156.40469913418337,0.5829532401523847&SIZE=0.015,0.015 but receive HTTP Error 502: Proxy Error, in browser it shows up as DNS lookup failure for: gp03.datalab.noao.edu

What should I do? Thank you

asked Feb 20, 2022 by astrofyz (170 points) | 78 views

1 Answer

0 votes
Please try again, the problem should be fixed now.  It was a leftover issue from the old noao.edu to the new noirlab.edu domain change.
answered Feb 20, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)

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