0 votes
I am extremely confused about the error. Exactly the same code, and one week after I updated the packages, it gave me another "certificate expired" error.

In addition, I extracted flux_g and flux_r from ls_dr9.tractor_n and removed nan and inf, but it showed me all zeros; however, everything went on smoothly with ls_dr8, considering the updates going on with dr8 and dr9, I wonder which one I should use to get the data to work.
asked Jan 16, 2022 by jlmaurora (120 points)
edited Jan 16, 2022 by jlmaurora | 293 views

1 Answer

0 votes


regarding your first question, let's diagnose:

1. Are you sure your Python environment is loaded correctly, such that

datalab --version

prints v2.20.0 ?

2. If yes, you can try to move your local $HOME/.datalab/dl.conf file, and then try again (it will create a new dl.conf file, and you will have to log in again one time):

mv $HOME/.datalab/dl.conf $HOME/.datalab/dl.conf.bak
datalab login  # enter your username and password

Then try again you original command(s). Please let us know if you still see an SSL certificate error.

Regarding your question about LS: while we did just now update several tables in DR8, it is recommended to use DR9, as it supersedes prior data releases). Regarding you seeing only zeros in the two columns, can you please post your exact query, so that we can try to reproduce the result?


answered Jan 18, 2022 by datalab (19,200 points)
It is getting weirder. When I tried to use the pip install --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir noaodatalab command from another question, it said "No such file or directory" no matter I log in or not. I can't even use datalab command anymore because it's "not defined".
I wonder if some kernels are not compatible with the packages, because I just realized that I used different kernels for the two ipynb files described in these SSLError questions asked. And I can find no further information about them in the documentation/manual.

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