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asked May 12, 2017 by datalab (19,200 points)
retagged May 28, 2017 by datalab | 2,235 views

1 Answer

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The main goal of the Data Lab is to provide infrastructure and an environment to maximize community use of high-value survey datasets, like DES and DECaLS, that are being collected with NOAO telescopes, while also providing joint access to external high-value datasets like SDSS and GAIA.  

The concept behind Data Lab services is to allow as much data exploration and analysis as possible close to the data, while allowing transfer over the internet at any point that the user wishes.  These services currently include a database of catalog data available directly or via the Table Access Protocol (TAP), a variety of query interfaces, an image access service, personal database storage, virtual file storage, and a Jupyter notebook server for complex analysis.  Coming services will include a Container-based compute service and a data publication service.

These services are accessible through a variety of clients, including Python-based clients, web clients, a command-line client, and TOPCAT.  Explore the Using the NOAO Data Lab document for more information!

answered May 28, 2017 by Knut Olsen
selected May 28, 2017 by datalab

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