#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPECCLIENT -- Client methods for the Spectroscopic Data Service
__authors__ = 'Mike Fitzpatrick <fitz@noao.edu>'
__version__ = 'v1.2.0'
Client methods for the Spectroscopic Data Service.
Spectro Client Interface
client = getClient (context='<context>', profile='<profile>')
status = isAlive (svc_url=DEF_SERVICE_URL, timeout=2)
set_svc_url (svc_url)
svc_url = get_svc_url ()
set_context (context)
ctx = get_context ()
ctxs = list_contexts (context, fmt='text')
ctxs = list_contexts (context=None, fmt='text')
set_profile (profile)
prof = get_profile ()
profs = list_profiles (profile, fmt='text')
profs = list_profiles (profile=None, fmt='text')
catalogs = catalogs (context='default', profile='default')
id_list = query (<region> | <coord, size> | <ra, dec, size>,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
list = getSpec (id_list, fmt='numpy',
out=None, align=False, cutout=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
plot (spec, context=None, profile=None, out=None, **kw)
status = prospect (spec, context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
image = preview (id, context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
image = plotGrid (id_list, nx, ny, page=<N>,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
image = stackedImage (id_list, fmt='png|numpy',
align=False, yflip=False,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
df = to_pandas (npy_data)
spec1d = to_Spectrum1D (npy_data)
tab = to_Table (npy_data)
Import via
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
import os
import sys
import socket
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
# Turn off some annoying astropy warnings
import warnings
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AstropyWarning)
import logging
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from specutils import SpectrumCollection
from astropy import units as u
#from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
from astropy.nddata import InverseVariance
from astropy.table import Table
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # visualization libs
import pycurl_requests as requests # faster 'requests' lib
import pycurl # low-level interface
from urllib.parse import quote_plus # URL encoding
# Data Lab imports.
#from dl import queryClient
from dl import storeClient
from dl.Util import def_token
from dl.Util import multimethod
from dl.helpers.utils import convert
# Python version check.
is_py3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
# The URL of the service to access. This may be changed by passing a new
# URL into the set_svc_url() method before beginning.
DEF_SERVICE_ROOT = "https://datalab.noao.edu"
# Allow the service URL for dev/test systems to override the default.
THIS_HOST = socket.gethostname()
if THIS_HOST[:5] == 'dldev':
DEF_SERVICE_ROOT = "http://dldev.datalab.noao.edu"
elif THIS_HOST[:6] == 'dltest':
DEF_SERVICE_ROOT = "http://dltest.datalab.noao.edu"
elif THIS_HOST[:4] == 'gp12':
DEF_SERVICE_ROOT = "http://gp06.datalab.noao.edu:6998"
# Allow the service URL for dev/test systems to override the default.
sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # host IP address
sock.connect(('', 1)) # Example IP address, see RFC 5737
THIS_IP, _ = sock.getsockname()
# Use cURL for requests when possible.
# The requested service "profile". A profile refers to the specific
# machines and services used by the service.
# The requested dataset "context". A context refers to the specific dataset
# being served. This determines what is allowed within certain methods.
# Use a /tmp/AM_DEBUG file as a way to turn on debugging in the client code.
DEBUG = os.path.isfile('/tmp/SPEC_DEBUG')
VERBOSE = os.path.isfile('/tmp/SPEC_VERBOSE')
# ######################################################################
# Spectroscopic Data Client Interface
# This API provides convenience methods that allow an application to
# import the Client class without having to explicitly instantiate a
# class object. The parameter descriptions and example usage is given
# in the comments for the class methods. Module methods have their
# docstrings patched below.
# ######################################################################
# ###################################
# Spectroscopic Data error class
# ###################################
[docs]class dlSpecError(Exception):
'''A throwable error class.
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
# ###################################
# Py2/Py3 Compatability Utilities
# ###################################
[docs]def spcToString(s):
'''spcToString -- Force a return value to be type 'string' for all
Python versions.
if is_py3:
if isinstance(s, bytes):
strval = str(s.decode())
elif isinstance(s, str):
strval = s
if isinstance(s, bytes) or isinstance(s, unicode):
strval = str(s)
strval = s
return strval
# -----------------------------
# Utility Methods
# -----------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# SET_SVC_URL -- Set the ServiceURL to call.
[docs]def set_svc_url(svc_url):
return sp_client.set_svc_url(svc_url.strip('/'))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GET_SVC_URL -- Get the ServiceURL to call.
[docs]def get_svc_url():
return sp_client.get_svc_url()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# SET_PROFILE -- Set the service profile to use.
[docs]def set_profile(profile):
return sp_client.set_profile(profile)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GET_PROFILE -- Get the service profile to use.
[docs]def get_profile():
return sp_client.get_profile()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# SET_CONTEXT -- Set the dataset context to use.
[docs]def set_context(context):
return sp_client.set_context(context)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GET_CONTEXT -- Get the dataset context to use.
[docs]def get_context():
return sp_client.get_context()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ISALIVE -- Ping the service to see if it responds.
[docs]def isAlive(svc_url=DEF_SERVICE_URL, timeout=5):
return sp_client.isAlive(svc_url=svc_url, timeout=timeout)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# LIST_PROFILES -- List the available service profiles.
@multimethod('spc', 1, False)
def list_profiles(profile, fmt='text'):
return sp_client._list_profiles(profile=profile, fmt=fmt)
[docs]@multimethod('spc', 0, False)
def list_profiles(profile=None, fmt='text'):
'''Retrieve the profiles supported by the spectro data service.
list_profiles ([profile], fmt='text')
MultiMethod Usage:
specClient.list_profiles (profile)
specClient.list_profiles ()
profile: str
A specific profile configuration to list. If None, a list of
available profiles is returned.
format: str
Result format: One of 'text' or 'json'
profiles: list/dict
A list of the names of the supported profiles or a dictionary of
the specific profile
.. code-block:: python
profiles = specClient.list_profiles(profile)
profiles = specClient.list_profiles()
return sp_client._list_profiles(profile=profile, fmt=fmt)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# LIST_CONTEXTS -- List the available dataset contexts.
def list_contexts(context, fmt='text'):
return sp_client._list_contexts(context=context, fmt=fmt)
def list_contexts(context=None, fmt='text'):
'''Retrieve the contexts supported by the spectro data service.
list_contexts ([context], fmt='text')
MultiMethod Usage:
specClient.list_contexts (context)
specClient.list_contexts ()
contexts: str
A specific contexts configuration to list. If None, a list of
available contexts is returned.
format: str
Result format: One of 'text' or 'json'
contexts: list/dict
A list of the names of the supported contexts or a dictionary of
the specific contexts
.. code-block:: python
contexts = specClient.list_contexts(context)
contexts = specClient.list_contexts()
return sp_client._list_contexts(context=context, fmt=fmt)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# CATALOGS -- List available catalogs for a given dataset context
[docs]def catalogs(context='default', profile='default', fmt='text'):
'''List available catalogs for a given dataset context
return sp_client.catalogs(context=context, profile=profile, fmt=fmt)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_SPECTRUM1D -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to Spectrum1D
[docs]def to_Spectrum1D(npy_data):
'''Utility method to convert a Numpy array to Spectrum1D
return sp_client.to_Spectrum1D(npy_data)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_PANDAS -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to a Pandas DataFrame
[docs]def to_pandas(npy_data):
'''Utility method to convert a Numpy array to a Pandas DataFrame
return sp_client.to_pandas(npy_data)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_TABLE -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to an Astropy Table
[docs]def to_Table(npy_data):
'''Utility method to convert a Numpy array to an Astropy Table object.
return sp_client.to_Table(npy_data)
# Spectroscopic Data Client Methods
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# QUERY -- Query for spectra by position.
def query(ra, dec, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return sp_client._query(ra=ra, dec=dec, size=size,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def query(pos, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return sp_client._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=size,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def query(region, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return sp_client._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def query(constraint=None, out=None, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Query for a list of spectrum IDs that can then be retrieved from
the service.
id_list = query(ra, dec, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(pos, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(region, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
ra: float
RA search center specified in degrees.
dec: float
Dec of search center specified in degrees.
size: float
Size of search center specified in degrees.
pos: Astropy Coord object
Coordinate of search center specified as an Astropy Coord object.
region: float
Array of polygon vertices (in degrees) defining a search region.
constraint: str
A valid SQL syntax that can be used as a WHERE constraint in the
search query.
out: str
Output filename to create. If None or an empty string the query
results are returned directly to the client. Otherwise, results
are writeen to the named file with one identifier per line. A
Data Lab 'vos://' prefix will save results to the named virtual
storage file.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
For context='sdss_dr16' | 'default':
specobjid # or 'bestobjid', etc
tuple # a plate/mjd/fiber tuple
Service will always return array of 'specobjid'
value, the p/m/f tuple is extracted from the
bitmask value by the client.
<schema>.<table> # alternative catalog to query e.g. a
# VAC from earlier DR (must support an
# ra/dec search and return a specobjid-
# like value)
For all contexts:
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
result: array
An array of spectrum IDs appropriate for the dataset context.
1) Query by position:
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
return sp_client._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GETSPEC -- Retrieve spectra for a list of objects.
[docs]def getSpec(id_list, fmt='numpy', out=None, align=False, cutout=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get spectra for a list of object IDs.
getSpec(id_list, fmt='numpy', out=None, align=False, cutout=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list: list object
List of object identifiers.
fmt: str
Return format of spectra
Output file or return to caller if None
Align spectra to common wavelength grid with zero-padding
Wavelength cutout range (as "<start>-<end>")
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
values = None
Spectrum vectors to return.
token = None
Data Lab auth token.
id_col = None
Name of ID column in input table.
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
result: object or array of objects or 'OK' string
1) Retrieve spectra individually:
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
for id in id_list:
spec = spec.getSpec (id)
.... do something
2) Retrieve spectra in bulk:
.. code-block:: python
spec = spec.getSpec (id_list, fmt='numpy')
.... 'spec' is an array of NumPy objects that may be
different sizes
return sp_client.getSpec(id_list=id_list, fmt=fmt, out=out,
align=align, cutout=cutout,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PLOT -- Utility to batch plot a single spectrum, display plot directly.
[docs]def plot(spec, context=None, profile=None, out=None, **kw):
'''Utility to batch plot a single spectrum.
spec.plot(id, context=None, profile=None, **kw)
spec: object ID or data array
Spectrum to be plotted. If 'spec' is a numpy array or a
Spectrum1D object the data are plotted directly, otherwise
the value is assumed to be an object ID that will be retrieved
from the service.
out: str
Output filename. If specified, plot saved as PNG.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
rest_frame - Whether or not to plot the spectra in the
rest-frame (def: True)
z - Redshift value
xlim - Set the xrange of the plot
ylim - Set the yrange of the plot
values - A comma-delimited string of which values to plot,
a combination of 'flux,model,sky,ivar'
mark_lines - Which lines to mark. No lines marked if None or
an empty string, otherwise one of 'em|abs|all|both'
grid - Plot grid lines (def: True)
dark - Dark-mode plot colors (def: True)
em_lines - List of emission lines to plot. If not given,
all the lines in the default list will be plotted.
abs_lines - Lines of absorption lines to plot. If not given,
all the lines in the default list will be plotted.
spec_args - Plotting kwargs for the spectrum
model_args - Plotting kwargs for the model
ivar_args - Plotting kwargs for the ivar
sky_args - Plotting kwargs for the sky
1) Plot a single spectrum, save to a virtual storage file
.. code-block:: python
spec.plot (specID, context='sdss_dr16', out='vos://spec.png')
return sp_client.plot(spec, context=context, profile=profile,
out=None, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROSPECT -- Utility wrapper to launch the interactive PROSPECT tool.
[docs]def prospect(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Utility wrapper to launch the interactive PROSPECT tool.
stat = prospect(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw)
spec: object ID or data array
Spectrum to be plotted. If 'spec' is a numpy array or a
Spectrum1D object the data are plotted directly, otherwise
the value is assumed to be an object ID that will be retrieved
from the service.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
result: str
Status 'OK' string or error message.
1) Plot ....
.. code-block:: python
stat = spec.prospect (specID)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PREVIEW -- Get a preview plot of a spectrum
[docs]def preview(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get a preview plot of a spectrum
spec.preview(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
id_list: list object
List of object identifiers.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
image: A PNG image object
1) Display a preview plot a given spectrum:
.. code-block:: python
from IPython.display import display, Image
format='png', width=400, height=100, unconfined=True))
return sp_client.preview(spec, context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PLOTGRID -- Get a grid of preview plots of a spectrum list.
[docs]def plotGrid(id_list, nx, ny, page=0, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get a grid of preview plots of a spectrum list.
image = plotGrid(id_list, nx, ny, page=0,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
id_list: list object
List of object identifiers.
nx: int
Number of plots in the X dimension
ny: int
Number of plots in the Y dimension
page: int
Dataset context.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
image: A PNG image object
1) Display a 5x5 grid of preview plots for a list:
.. code-block:: python
npages = np.round((len(id_list) / 25) + (25 / len(id_list))
for pg in range(npages):
data = spec.getGridPlot(id_list, 5, 5, page=pg)
display(Image(data, format='png',
width=400, height=100, unconfined=True))
return sp_client.plotGrid(id_list, nx, ny, page=page,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# STACKEDIMAGE -- Get a stacked image of a list of spectra.
[docs]def stackedImage(id_list, align=False, yflip=False,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get ...
id_list: list object
List of spectrum identifiers.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
result: ....
1) Query ....
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
return sp_client.stackedImage(id_list, align=align, yflip=yflip,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
# Spectroscopic Data Client Class
[docs]class specClient(object):
SPECCLIENT -- Client-side methods to access the Data Lab
Spectroscopic Data Service.
def __init__(self, context='default', profile='default'):
'''Initialize the specClient class.
self.svc_url = DEF_SERVICE_URL # service URL
self.qm_svc_url = QM_SERVICE_URL # Query Manager service URL
self.sm_svc_url = SM_SERVICE_URL # Storage Manager service URL
self.auth_token = def_token(None) # default auth token (not used)
self.svc_profile = profile # service profile
self.svc_context = context # dataset context
self.hostip = THIS_IP
self.hostname = THIS_HOST
self.debug = DEBUG # interface debug flag
self.verbose = VERBOSE # interface verbose flag
# Get the server-side config for the context. Note this must also
# be updated whenever we do a set_svc_url() or set_context().
self.context = self._list_contexts(context)
# Standard Data Lab service methods.
[docs] def set_svc_url(self, svc_url):
'''Set the URL of the Spectroscopic Data Service to be used.
svc_url: str
Spectroscopic Data service base URL to call.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
self.svc_url = spcToString(svc_url.strip('/'))
self.context = self._list_contexts(context=self.svc_context)
[docs] def get_svc_url(self):
'''Return the currently-used Spectroscopic Data Service URL.
service_url: str
The currently-used Spectroscopic Data Service URL.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
service_url = specClient.get_svc_url()
return spcToString(self.svc_url)
[docs] def set_profile(self, profile):
'''Set the requested service profile.
profile: str
Requested service profile string.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
profile = specClient.client.set_profile("dev")
url = self.svc_url + '/validate?what=profile&value=%s' % profile
if spcToString(self.curl_get(url)) == 'OK':
self.svc_profile = spcToString(profile)
return 'OK'
raise Exception('Invalid profile "%s"' % profile)
return 'OK'
[docs] def get_profile(self):
'''Get the requested service profile.
profile: str
The currently requested service profile.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
profile = specClient.client.get_profile()
return spcToString(self.svc_profile)
[docs] def set_context(self, context):
'''Set the requested dataset context.
context: str
Requested dataset context string.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
context = specClient.client.set_context("dev")
url = self.svc_url + '/validate?what=context&value=%s' % context
if spcToString(self.curl_get(url)) == 'OK':
self.svc_context = spcToString(context)
self.context = self._list_contexts(context=self.svc_context)
return 'OK'
raise Exception('Invalid context "%s"' % context)
[docs] def get_context(self):
'''Get the requested dataset context.
context: str
The currently requested dataset context.
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
context = specClient.client.get_context()
return spcToString(self.svc_context)
[docs] def isAlive(self, svc_url=DEF_SERVICE_URL):
'''Check whether the service at the given URL is alive and responding.
This is a simple call to the root service URL or ping() method.
service_url: str
The Query Service URL to ping.
result: bool
True if service responds properly, False otherwise
.. code-block:: python
from dl import specClient
if specClient.isAlive():
print("Spec Server is alive")
url = svc_url
r = requests.get(url, timeout=2)
resp = r.text
if r.status_code != 200:
return False
elif resp is not None and r.text.lower()[:11] != "hello world":
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
def list_profiles(self, profile, fmt='text'):
'''Usage: specClient.client.list_profiles (profile, ...)
return self._list_profiles(profile=profile, fmt=fmt)
[docs] @multimethod('_spc',0,True)
def list_profiles(self, profile=None, fmt='text'):
'''Usage: specClient.client.list_profiles (...)
return self._list_profiles(profile=profile, fmt=fmt)
def _list_profiles(self, profile=None, fmt='text'):
'''Implementation of the list_profiles() method.
headers = self.getHeaders(def_token(None))
svc_url = '%s/profiles?' % self.svc_url
svc_url += "profile=%s&" % profile
svc_url += "format=%s" % fmt
r = requests.get(svc_url, headers=headers)
profiles = spcToString(r.content)
if '{' in profiles:
profiles = json.loads(profiles)
return profiles
def list_contexts(self, context, fmt='text'):
'''Usage: specClient.client.list_contexts (context, ...)
return self._list_contexts(context=context, fmt=fmt)
[docs] @multimethod('_spc',0,True)
def list_contexts(self, context=None, fmt='text'):
'''Usage: specClient.client.list_contexts (...)
return self._list_contexts(context=context, fmt=fmt)
def _list_contexts(self, context=None, fmt='text'):
'''Implementation of the list_contexts() method.
headers = self.getHeaders(def_token(None))
svc_url = '%s/contexts?' % self.svc_url
svc_url += "context=%s&" % context
svc_url += "format=%s" % fmt
r = requests.get(svc_url, headers=headers)
contexts = spcToString(r.content)
if '{' in contexts:
contexts = json.loads(contexts)
return contexts
[docs] def catalogs(self, context='default', profile='default', fmt='text'):
'''Usage: specClient.client.catalogs (...)
headers = self.getHeaders(None)
svc_url = '%s/catalogs?' % self.svc_url
svc_url += "context=%s&" % context
svc_url += "profile=%s&" % profile
svc_url += "format=%s" % fmt
r = requests.get(svc_url, headers=headers)
catalogs = spcToString(r.text)
if '{' in catalogs:
catalogs = json.loads(catalogs)
return spcToString(catalogs)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_SPECTRUM1D -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to Spectrum1D
[docs] def to_Spectrum1D(self, npy_data):
''' Convert a Numpy spectrum array to a Spectrum1D object.
if npy_data.ndim == 2:
lamb = 10**npy_data['loglam'][0] * u.AA
lamb = 10**npy_data['loglam'] * u.AA
flux = npy_data['flux'] * 10**-17 * u.Unit('erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1')
mask = npy_data['flux'] == 0
flux_unit = u.Unit('erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1')
uncertainty = InverseVariance(npy_data['ivar'] / flux_unit**2)
spec1d = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=lamb, flux=flux,
uncertainty=uncertainty, mask=mask)
spec1d.meta['sky'] = npy_data['sky'] * 10**-17 * flux_unit
spec1d.meta['model'] = npy_data['model'] * 10**-17 * flux_unit
spec1d.meta['ivar'] = npy_data['ivar']
return spec1d
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_PANDAS -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to a Pandas DataFrame
[docs] def to_pandas(self, npy_data):
'''Utility method to convert a Numpy array to a Pandas DataFrame
return pd.DataFrame(data=npy_data, columns=npy_data.dtype.names)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO_TABLE -- Utility method to convert a Numpy array to an Astropy Table
[docs] def to_Table(self, npy_data):
'''Utility method to convert a Numpy array to an Astropy Table object.
return Table(data=npy_data, names=npy_data.dtype.names)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# QUERY -- Query for spectra by position.
def query(self, ra, dec, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return self._query(ra=ra, dec=dec, size=size,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def query(self, pos, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return self._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def query(self, region, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
return self._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
[docs] @multimethod('_spc',0,True)
def query(self, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Query for a list of spectrum IDs that can then be retrieved from
the service.
id_list = query(ra, dec, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(pos, size, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(region, constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list = query(constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
ra: float
RA search center specified in degrees.
dec: float
Dec of search center specified in degrees.
size: float
Size of search center specified in degrees.
pos: Astropy Coord object
Coordinate of search center specified as an Astropy Coord object.
region: float
Array of polygon vertices (in degrees) defining a search region.
out: str
Save query results to output filename. May be a 'vos://' URI or
local filename. If set to an empty string, the ID list is
returned as an ascii string.
constraint: str
A valid SQL syntax that can be used as a WHERE constraint in the
search query.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
For context='sdss_dr16' | 'default':
specobjid # or 'bestobjid', etc
tuple # a plate/mjd/fiber/run2d tuple
Service will always return array of 'specobjid'
value, the p/m/f tuple is extracted from the
bitmask value by the client.
<schema>.<table> # alternative catalog to query e.g. a
# VAC from earlier DR (must support an
# ra/dec search and return a specobjid-
# like value)
For all contexts:
timeout = 600 # Query timeout
token = None # User auth token
verbose = False # Print verbose output
debug = False # Print debug messages
result: array
An array of spectrum IDs appropriate for the dataset context.
1) Query by position:
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
return self._query(ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
context=context, profile=profile, **kw)
def _query(self,
ra=None, dec=None, size=None,
constraint=None, out=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Implementation of the query() method.
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# Process optional keyword arguments.
ofields = kw['fields'] if 'fields' in kw else self.context['id_main']
catalog = kw['catalog'] if 'catalog' in kw else self.context['catalog']
if context == 'default' or context.startswith('sdss'):
if ofields == 'tuple':
ofields = 'plate,mjd,fiberid,run2d'
timeout = kw['timeout'] if 'timeout' in kw else 600
token = kw['token'] if 'token' in kw else self.auth_token
verbose = kw['verbose'] if 'verbose' in kw else self.verbose
debug = kw['debug'] if 'debug' in kw else self.debug
# Build the query URL constraint clause.
_size = size
if region is not None:
pquery = 'q3c_poly_query(ra,dec,ARRAY%s)' % region
elif pos is not None:
pquery = 'q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,%f,%f,%f)' % \
(pos.ra.degree, pos.dec.degree, _size)
elif ra is not None and dec is not None:
pquery = 'q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,%f,%f,%f)' % (ra, dec, _size)
pquery = ''
# Create the query string for the IDs, adding any user-defined
# fields or constraints.
cond = pquery
if constraint not in [None, '']:
if constraint.strip()[:5].lower() in ['limit', 'order'] or pquery == '':
cond += ' %s' % constraint
cond += ' AND %s' % constraint
# Set service call headers.
headers = self.getHeaders(None)
# Query for the ID/fields.
_svc_url = '%s/query?' % self.svc_url # base service URL
_svc_url += 'id=&' # no ID value
_svc_url += 'fields=%s&' % quote_plus(ofields) # fields to retrieve
_svc_url += 'catalog=%s&' % quote_plus(catalog) # catalog to query
_svc_url += 'cond=%s&' % quote_plus(cond) # WHERE condition
_svc_url += 'context=%s&' % context # dataset context
_svc_url += 'profile=%s&' % profile # service profile
_svc_url += 'debug=%s&' % debug # system debug flag
_svc_url += 'verbose=%s' % False # system verbose flag
r = requests.get(_svc_url, headers=headers)
_res = spcToString(r.content)
# Query result is in CSV, convert to a named table.
res = convert(_res, outfmt='table')
if out in [None, '']:
if ofields.count(',') > 0:
return res
return np.array(res[self.context['id_main']])
# Note: memory expensive for large lists .....
csv_text = _res
if out.startswith('vos://'):
return storeClient.saveAs(csv_text, out)[0]
with open(out, "w") as fd:
return 'OK'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GETSPEC -- Retrieve spectra for a list of objects.
[docs] def getSpec(self, id_list, fmt='numpy', out=None, align=False,
cutout=None, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get spectra for a list of object IDs.
getSpec(id_list, fmt='numpy', out=None, align=False, cutout=None,
context=None, profile=None, **kw)
id_list: list object
List of object identifiers.
Return format of spectra
Output filename or return to caller if None
Align spectra to common wavelength grid with zero-padding
Wavelength cutout range (as "<start>-<end>")
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
values = None
Spectrum vectors to return.
token = None
Data Lab auth token.
id_col = None
Name of ID column in input table.
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
result: object or array of objects or 'OK' string
1) Retrieve spectra individually:
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
for id in id_list:
spec = spec.getSpec (id)
.... do something
2) Retrieve spectra in bulk:
.. code-block:: python
spec = spec.getSpec (id_list, fmt='numpy')
.... 'spec' is an array of NumPy objects that may be
different sizes
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# Process optional parameters.
values = kw['values'] if 'values' in kw else 'all'
token = kw['token'] if 'token' in kw else self.auth_token
id_col = kw['id_col'] if 'id_col' in kw else None
verbose = kw['verbose'] if 'verbose' in kw else self.verbose
debug = kw['debug'] if 'debug' in kw else self.debug
# Set service call headers.
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'X-DL-ClientVersion': __version__,
'X-DL-OriginIP': self.hostip,
'X-DL-OriginHost': self.hostname,
'X-DL-AuthToken': def_token(None)}
if debug:
print('getSpec(): in ty id_list = ' + str(type(id_list)))
# Extract the ID list from the input value.
ids = self.extractIDList(id_list)
# Force alignment for SpectrumCollection format.
if fmt.lower() == 'spectrumcollection':
align = True
if debug:
print('ty ids: ' + str(type(ids)))
# Initialize the payload.
data = {'id_list': str(ids),
'values': values,
'format': fmt,
'align': align,
'cutout': str(cutout),
'w0': 0.0,
'w1': 0.0,
'context': context,
'profile': profile,
'debug': debug,
'verbose': verbose
# Get the limits of the collection
url = '%s/listSpan' % self.svc_url
resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
v = json.loads(resp.text)
data['w0'], data['w1'] = v['w0'], v['w1']
url = '%s/getSpec' % self.svc_url
if align:
# If we're aligning columns, the server will pad the values
# and return a common array size.
resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
_data = np.load(BytesIO(resp.content), allow_pickle=False)
# If not aligning columns, request each spectrum individually
# so we can return a list object.
_data = []
for id in ids:
data['id_list'] = str(id)
resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
if fmt.lower() == 'fits':
np_data = np.load(BytesIO(resp.content), allow_pickle=False)
if fmt.lower() != 'fits':
_data = np.array(_data)
if fmt.lower() == 'fits':
# Note: assumes a single file is requested.
if len(_data) == 1:
return _data[0]
return _data
if fmt.lower()[:5] == 'numpy': # NUMPY array
if len(_data) == 1:
return _data[0]
return _data
elif fmt.lower()[:6] == 'pandas': # Pandas DataFrame
if len(_data) == 1:
return self.to_pandas(_data[0])
pd_data = []
for d in _data:
return pd_data
elif fmt.lower()[:6] == 'tables': # Astropy Table
if len(_data) == 1:
return self.to_Table(_data[0])
tb_data = []
for d in _data:
return tb_data
elif fmt.lower()[:8] == 'spectrum': # Spectrum1D
if len(_data) == 1:
return self.to_Spectrum1D(_data[0])
elif align:
return self.to_Spectrum1D(_data)
sp_data = []
for i in range(len(_data)):
# Convert to a SpectrumCollection object if requested.
if fmt.lower() == 'spectrumcollection':
return SpectrumCollection.from_spectra(sp_data)
return sp_data
raise Exception("Unknown return format '%s'" % fmt)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PLOT -- Utility to batch plot a single spectrum, display plot directly.
[docs] def plot(self, spec, context=None, profile=None, out=None, **kw):
'''Utility to batch plot a single spectrum.
spec.plot(id, context=None, profile=None, **kw)
spec: object ID or data array
Spectrum to be plotted. If 'spec' is a numpy array or a
Spectrum1D object the data are plotted directly, otherwise
the value is assumed to be an object ID that will be retrieved
from the service.
out: str
Output filename. If specified, plot saved as PNG.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
rest_frame - Whether or not to plot the spectra in the
rest-frame. If True, the wavelengths are assumed
to have been already shifted and no 'z' value is
required. If False, wavelengths are assumed to
be in observed frame and a 'z' value is required
to overplot absorption/emission lines. (def: True)
z - Redshift value (def: None)
xlim - Set the xrange of the plot
ylim - Set the yrange of the plot
title - Plot title (def: object ID)
xlabel - Plot x-axis label (def: wavelength)
ylabel - Plot y-axis label (def: flux units)
out - Saved output filename.
values - A comma-delimited string of which values to plot,
a combination of 'flux,model,sky,ivar'
mark_lines - Which lines to mark. No lines marked if None or
an empty string, otherwise one of 'em|abs|all|both'
grid - Plot grid lines (def: True)
dark - Dark-mode plot colors (def: True)
em_lines - List of emission lines to plot. If not given,
all the lines in the default list will be plotted.
abs_lines - Lines of absorption lines to plot. If not given,
all the lines in the default list will be plotted.
spec_args - Plotting kwargs for the spectrum
model_args - Plotting kwargs for the model
ivar_args - Plotting kwargs for the ivar
sky_args - Plotting kwargs for the sky
1) Plot a single spectrum, save to a virtual storage file
.. code-block:: python
spec.plot (specID, context='sdss_dr16', out='vos://spec.png')
verbose = kw['verbose'] if 'verbose' in kw else self.verbose
debug = kw['debug'] if 'debug' in kw else self.debug
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# See whether we've been passed a spectrum ID or a data.
_id = None
if isinstance(spec, int) or \
isinstance(spec, np.int64) or isinstance(spec, np.uint64) or \
isinstance(spec, tuple) or \
isinstance(spec, str):
_id = spec
dlist = sp_client.getSpec(spec, context=context, profile=profile)
data = dlist
wavelength = 10.0**data['loglam']
flux = data['flux']
model = data['model']
sky = data['sky']
ivar = data['ivar']
if isinstance(spec, np.ndarray) or \
isinstance(spec, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
wavelength = 10.0**spec['loglam']
flux = spec['flux']
model = spec['model']
sky = spec['sky']
ivar = spec['ivar']
elif isinstance(spec, Spectrum1D):
wavelength = np.array(spec.spectral_axis.value)
flux = spec.flux
model = spec.meta['model']
sky = spec.meta['sky']
ivar = spec.meta['ivar']
# Get the wavelength frame and redshift for the plot.
if 'z' in kw:
z = float(kw['z']) # use supplied value
z = None
if _id is not None:
# Query for the redshift field of the catalog.
headers = self.getHeaders(None)
_svc_url = '%s/query?' % self.svc_url # base service URL
_svc_url += "id=%s&" % str(_id)
_svc_url += "fields=%s&" % self.context['redshift']
_svc_url += "catalog=%s&" % self.context['catalog']
_svc_url += "cond=&"
_svc_url += "context=%s&" % context
_svc_url += "profile=%s&" % profile
_svc_url += "debug=%s&" % debug
_svc_url += "verbose=%s" % verbose
r = requests.get(_svc_url, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
_val = spcToString(r.content).split('\n')[1:-1][0]
z = float(_val)
if 'rest_frame' in kw:
rest_frame = (str(kw['rest_frame']).lower() == 'true')
rest_frame = True
if self.context['rest_frame'] == 'false':
# Data is in the observed rest frame, convert to rest frame if we
# have a redshift.
if rest_frame:
if z is not None:
wavelength /= (1 + z)
warnings.warn('Redshift needed to plot in rest frame.')
rest_frame = False
# Data is already in rest frame, convert to observed frame if we
# have a redshift.
if not rest_frame:
if z is not None:
wavelength *= (1 + z)
warning.warn('Redshift needed to plot in observed frame.')
rest_frame = True
self._plotSpec(wavelength, flux, model=model, sky=sky, ivar=ivar,
rest_frame=rest_frame, z=z, **kw)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROSPECT -- Utility wrapper to launch the interactive PROSPECT tool.
[docs] def prospect(self, spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Utility wrapper to launch the interactive PROSPECT tool.
stat = prospect(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw)
spec: object ID or data array
Spectrum to be plotted. If 'spec' is a numpy array or a
Spectrum1D object the data are plotted directly, otherwise
the value is assumed to be an object ID that will be retrieved
from the service.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
result: str
Status 'OK' string or error message.
1) Plot ....
.. code-block:: python
stat = spec.prospect (specID)
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PREVIEW -- Get a preview plot of a spectrum
[docs] def preview(self, spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get a preview plot of a spectrum
spec.preview(spec, context=None, profile=None, **kw):
spec: objectID
Object identifiers.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
image: A PNG image object
1) Display a preview plot a given spectrum:
.. code-block:: python
from IPython.display import display, Image
format='png', width=400, height=100, unconfined=True))
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
url = self.svc_url + '/preview?id=%s' % str(spec)
url = url + '&context=%s&profile=%s' % (context, profile)
return Image.open(BytesIO(self.curl_get(url)))
return Image.open(BytesIO(requests.get(url, timeout=2).content))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Error getting plot data: " + str(e))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PLOTGRID -- Get a grid of preview plots of a spectrum list.
[docs] def plotGrid(self, id_list, nx, ny, page=0,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get a grid of preview plots of a spectrum list.
image = plotGrid(id_list, nx, ny, page=0,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
id_list: list object
List of object identifiers.
nx: int
Number of plots in the X dimension
ny: int
Number of plots in the Y dimension
page: int
Dataset context.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
image: A PNG image object
1) Display a 5x5 grid of preview plots for a list:
.. code-block:: python
npages = np.round((len(id_list) / 25) + (25 / len(id_list))
for pg in range(npages):
data = spec.getGridPlot(id_list, 5, 5, page=pg)
display(Image(data, format='png',
width=400, height=100, unconfined=True))
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# Process optional parameters.
token = kw['token'] if 'token' in kw else self.auth_token
verbose = kw['verbose'] if 'verbose' in kw else self.verbose
debug = kw['debug'] if 'debug' in kw else self.debug
fmt = kw['fmt'] if 'fmt' in kw else 'png'
# Set service call headers.
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'X-DL-ClientVersion': __version__,
'X-DL-OriginIP': self.hostip,
'X-DL-OriginHost': self.hostname,
'X-DL-AuthToken': token}
# Build the query URL string.
url = '%s/plotGrid' % self.svc_url
if isinstance(id_list, list) or isinstance(id_list, np.ndarray):
n_ids = len(id_list)
sz_grid = nx * ny
if sz_grid >= n_ids: # Use the whole list.
ids = id_list
p_start = 0
p_end = len(id_list) - 1
p_start = page * sz_grid
p_end = min(n_ids, p_start + sz_grid)
ids = id_list[p_start:p_end]
ids = id_list
# Initialize the payload.
data = {'id_list': str(list(ids)),
'ncols': ny,
'context': context,
'profile': profile,
'debug': debug,
'verbose': verbose
resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
if fmt == 'png':
return Image.open(BytesIO(resp.content))
return resp.content
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# STACKEDIMAGE -- Get a stacked image of a list of spectra.
[docs] def stackedImage(self, id_list, align=False, yflip=False,
context=None, profile=None, **kw):
'''Get ...
id_list: list object
List of spectrum identifiers.
context: str
Dataset context.
profile: str
Data service profile.
**kw: dict
Optional keyword arguments. Supported keywords currently include:
verbose = False
Print verbose messages during retrieval
debug = False
Print debug messages during retrieval
result: ....
1) Query ....
.. code-block:: python
id_list = spec.query (0.125, 12.123, 0.1)
if context in [None, '']:
context = self.svc_context
if profile in [None, '']:
profile = self.svc_profile
# Process optional parameters.
scale = kw['scale'] if 'scale' in kw else (1.0, 1.0)
if isinstance(scale, float):
xscale = yscale = scale
xscale = scale[0]
yscale = scale[1]
thickness = kw['thickness'] if 'thickness' in kw else 1
inverse = kw['inverse'] if 'inverse' in kw else False
cmap = kw['cmap'] if 'cmap' in kw else 'gray'
width = kw['width'] if 'width' in kw else 0
height = kw['height'] if 'height' in kw else 0
token = kw['token'] if 'token' in kw else self.auth_token
verbose = kw['verbose'] if 'verbose' in kw else self.verbose
debug = kw['debug'] if 'debug' in kw else self.debug
fmt = kw['fmt'] if 'fmt' in kw else 'png'
# Set service call headers.
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'X-DL-ClientVersion': __version__,
'X-DL-OriginIP': self.hostip,
'X-DL-OriginHost': self.hostname,
'X-DL-AuthToken': token}
# Build the query URL string.
url = '%s/stackedImage' % self.svc_url
# Initialize the payload.
data = {'id_list': str(list(id_list)),
'context': context,
'xscale': xscale,
'yscale': yscale,
'thickness': thickness,
'cmap': cmap,
'inverse': inverse,
'width': width,
'height': height,
'profile': profile,
'debug': debug,
'verbose': verbose
resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
if fmt == 'png':
return Image.open(BytesIO(resp.content))
return resp.content
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# _PLOTSPEC -- Plot a spectrum.
def _plotSpec(wavelength, flux, model=None, sky=None, ivar=None,
rest_frame=True, z=0.0, xlim=None, ylim=None,
title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, out=None, **kw):
"""Plot a spectrum.
* wavelength - Array of spectrum wavelength values to plot.
* flux - Array of spectrum flux values to plot.
* model - Array of model spectrum values to plot (if not None).
* sky - Array of sky spectrum values to plot (if not None).
* ivar - Array of inverse-variance values to plot (if not None).
* rest_frame - Whether or not to plot the spectra in the
rest-frame. If True, the wavelengths are assumed
to have been already shifted and no 'z' value is
required. If False, wavelengths are assumed to
be in observed frame and a 'z' value is required
to overplot absorption/emission lines. (def: True)
* z - Redshift (def: None)
* xlim - Setting the xrange of the plot (e.g. '[5000.0,6000.0]')
* ylim - Setting the yrange of the plot (e.g. '[0.0,25.0]')
* title - Plot title (def: object ID)
* xlabel - Plot x-axis label (def: wavelength)
* ylabel - Plot y-axis label (def: flux units)
* out - Saved output filename.
Optional kwargs:
* values - A comma-delimited string of which values to plot, a
combination of 'flux,model,sky,ivar'
* mark_lines - Which lines to mark. No lines marked if None or
an empty string, otherwise one of 'em|abs|all|both'
* grid - Plot grid lines (def: True)
* dark - Dark-mode plot colors (def: True)
* em_lines - List of emission lines to plot. If not given, all
the lines in the default list will be plotted.
* abs_lines - Lines of absorption lines to plot. If not given,
all the lines in the default list will be plotted.
* spec_args - Plotting kwargs for the spectrum.
* model_args - Plotting kwargs for the model.
* ivar_args - Plotting kwargs for the ivar.
* sky_args - Plotting kwargs for the sky.
def labelLines(lines, ax, color, yloc):
'''Select only those lines that are visible in
the x-range of the plot.
if rest_frame is False and z is None:
'Redshift required to mark lines in observed frame')
for ii in range(len(lines)):
# If rest_frame=False, shift lines to the observed frame.
lam = lines[ii]['lambda']
if rest_frame is False:
lam = lam * (1+z)
# Plot only lines within the x-range of the plot.
if ((lam > xbounds[0]) & (lam < xbounds[1])):
ax.axvline(lam, color=color, lw=1.0, linestyle=':')
ax.annotate(lines[ii]['label'], xy=(lam, yloc),
fontsize=12, rotation=90, color=color)
# Process the optional kwargs.
dark = kw['dark'] if 'dark' in kw else True
grid = kw['grid'] if 'grid' in kw else True
mark_lines = kw['mark_lines'] if 'mark_lines' in kw else 'all'
em_lines = kw['em_lines'] if 'em_lines' in kw else None
abs_lines = kw['abs_lines'] if 'abs_lines' in kw else None
values = kw['values'] if 'values' in kw else 'flux,model'
if 'spec_args' in kw:
spec_args = kw['spec_args']
spec_args = {'color': '#ababab', 'linewidth': 1.0, 'alpha': 1.0}
if 'model_args' in kw:
model_args = kw['model_args']
model_args = {'color': 'red', 'linewidth': 1.2}
if 'sky_args' in kw:
sky_args = kw['sky_args']
sky_args = {'color': 'brown', 'linewidth': 1.0}
if 'ivar_args' in kw:
ivar_args = kw['ivar_args']
ivar_args = {'color': 'blue', 'linewidth': 1.0}
# Setting up the plot
if dark:
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(12, 5), facecolor='#2F4F4F')
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#121212'
plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = '#00FFFF'
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(12, 5))
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#FFFFFF'
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
if 'flux' in values:
if ivar is None:
ax.plot(wavelength, flux, label='Flux', **spec_args)
ax.plot(wavelength, flux * (ivar > 0), label='Flux',
if 'model' in values and model is not None:
if ivar is None:
ax.plot(wavelength, model, label='Model', **model_args)
ax.plot(wavelength, model * (ivar > 0), label='Model',
if 'sky' in values and sky is not None and ivar is not None:
if ivar is None:
ax.plot(wavelength, sky, label='Sky', **model_args)
ax.plot(wavelength, sky * (ivar > 0), label='Sky', **sky_args)
if 'ivar' in values and ivar is not None:
ax.plot(wavelength, ivar * (ivar > 0), label='Ivar', **ivar_args)
am_color = ('#00FF00' if dark else 'black')
if ylabel is None:
if rest_frame:
plt.xlabel('Rest Wavelength ($\AA$)', color=am_color)
if z is not None:
plt.xlabel('Observed Wavelength ($\AA$) z=%.3g' % z,
plt.xlabel('Observed Wavelength ($\AA$) z=(unknown)',
plt.xlabel(xlabel, color=am_color)
if ylabel is None:
ylab = '$F_{\lambda}$ ($10^{-17}~ergs~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}~\AA^{-1}$)'
plt.ylabel(ylab, color=am_color)
plt.ylabel(ylabel, color=am_color)
if dark:
ax.tick_params(color='cyan', labelcolor='yellow')
if grid:
plt.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashdot', linewidth=0.5)
if title not in [None, '']:
ax.set_title(title, c=am_color)
# Plotting Absorption/Emission lines - only works if either of the
# lines is set to True
if mark_lines not in [None, '']:
if mark_lines.lower() in ['all', 'both']:
opt = 'ea'
opt = mark_lines.lower()
# Select any lines listed by the user.
e_lines = _em_lines
if em_lines is not None:
e_lines = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] in em_lines,
a_lines = _abs_lines
if abs_lines is not None:
a_lines = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] in abs_lines,
xbounds = ax.get_xbound() # Getting the x-range of the plot
lcol = ['#FFFF00', '#00FFFF'] if dark else ['#FF0000', '#0000FF']
if 'e' in opt:
labelLines(e_lines, ax, lcol[0], 0.875)
if 'a' in opt:
labelLines(a_lines, ax, lcol[1], 0.05)
leg = ax.legend()
if dark:
for text in leg.get_texts():
plt.setp(text, color='w')
if out is not None:
[docs] def debug(self, debug_val):
'''Toggle debug flag.
self.debug = debug_val
[docs] def retBoolValue(self, url):
'''Utility method to call a boolean service at the given URL.
response = ""
# Add the auth token to the reauest header.
if self.auth_token != None:
headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': self.auth_token}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
r = requests.get(url)
response = spcToString(r.content)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(r.content)
except Exception:
return spcToString(r.content)
return response
[docs] def getFromURL(self, svc_url, path, token):
'''Get something from a URL. Return a 'response' object.
hdrs = self.getHeaders(token)
resp = requests.get("%s%s" % (svc_url, path), headers=hdrs)
except Exception as e:
raise dlSpecError(str(e))
return resp
[docs] def curl_get(self, url):
'''Utility routine to use cURL to return a URL
b_obj = BytesIO()
crl = pycurl.Curl()
crl.setopt(crl.URL, url)
crl.setopt(crl.WRITEDATA, b_obj)
return b_obj.getvalue()
# ###################################
# Spectroscopic Data Client Handles
# ###################################
[docs]def getClient(context='default', profile='default'):
'''Get a new instance of the specClient client.
context: str
Dataset context
profile: str
Service profile
client: specClient
An specClient object
.. code-block:: python
new_client = specClient.getClient()
return specClient(context=context, profile=profile)
# Get the default client object.
sp_client = client = getClient(context='default', profile='default')
# ##########################################
# Patch the docstrings for module functions
# ##########################################
set_svc_url.__doc__ = sp_client.set_svc_url.__doc__
get_svc_url.__doc__ = sp_client.get_svc_url.__doc__
set_profile.__doc__ = sp_client.set_profile.__doc__
get_profile.__doc__ = sp_client.get_profile.__doc__
set_context.__doc__ = sp_client.set_context.__doc__
get_context.__doc__ = sp_client.get_context.__doc__
# Define a set of spectral lines.
# This is the set of emission lines from the SDSS spZline files.
# Wavelengths are in air for lambda > 2000, vacuum for lambda < 2000.
# Emission Lines
_em_lines = [
{"name": "Ly-alpha", "lambda": 1215.67, "label": "Ly$\\alpha$"},
{"name": "N V 1240", "lambda": 1240.81, "label": "N V"},
{"name": "C IV 1549", "lambda": 1549.48, "label": "C IV"},
{"name": "He II 1640", "lambda": 1640.42, "label": "He II"},
{"name": "C III] 1908", "lambda": 1908.734, "label": "C III]"},
{"name": "Mg II 2799", "lambda": 2800.315, "label": "Mg II"},
{"name": "[O II] 3725", "lambda": 3727.092, "label": " "},
{"name": "[O II] 3727", "lambda": 3729.875, "label": "[O II]"},
{"name": "[Ne III] 3868", "lambda": 3869.857, "label": "[Ne III]"},
{"name": "H-zeta", "lambda": 3890.151, "label": "H$\\zeta$"},
{"name": "[Ne III] 3970", "lambda": 3971.123, "label": "[Ne III]"},
{"name": "H-epsilon", "lambda": 3971.195, "label": "H$\\epsilon$"},
{"name": "H-delta", "lambda": 4102.892, "label": "H$\\delta$"},
{"name": "H-gamma", "lambda": 4341.684, "label": "H$\\beta$"},
{"name": "[O III] 4363", "lambda": 4364.435, "label": "[O III]"},
{"name": "He II 4685", "lambda": 4686.991, "label": "He II"},
{"name": "H-beta", "lambda": 4862.683, "label": "H$\\beta$"},
{"name": "[O III] 4959", "lambda": 4960.294, "label": "[O III]"},
{"name": "[O III] 5007", "lambda": 5008.239, "label": "[O III]"},
{"name": "He II 5411", "lambda": 5413.025, "label": "He II"},
{"name": "[O I] 5577", "lambda": 5578.888, "label": "[O I]"},
{"name": "[N II] 5755", "lambda": 5756.186, "label": "[Ne II]"},
{"name": "He I 5876", "lambda": 5877.308, "label": "He I"},
{"name": "[O I] 6300", "lambda": 6302.046, "label": "[O I]"},
{"name": "[S III] 6312", "lambda": 6313.806, "label": "[S III]"},
{"name": "[O I] 6363", "lambda": 6365.535, "label": "[O I]"},
{"name": "[N II] 6548", "lambda": 6549.859, "label": "[N II]"},
{"name": "H-alpha", "lambda": 6564.614, "label": "H$\\alpha$"},
{"name": "[N II] 6583", "lambda": 6585.268, "label": "[N II]"},
{"name": "[S II] 6716", "lambda": 6718.294, "label": "[S II]"},
{"name": "[S II] 6730", "lambda": 6732.678, "label": "[S II]"},
{"name": "[Ar III] 7135", "lambda": 7137.758, "label": "[Ar III]"}
# Absorption lines
_abs_lines = [
{"name": "H12", "lambda": 3751.22, "label": "H12"},
{"name": "H11", "lambda": 3771.70, "label": "H11"},
{"name": "H10", "lambda": 3798.98, "label": "H10"},
{"name": "H9", "lambda": 3836.48, "label": "H9"},
{"name": "H-zeta", "lambda": 3890.151, "label": "H$\\zeta$"},
{"name": "K (Ca II 3933)", "lambda": 3934.814, "label": "K (Ca II)"},
{"name": "H (Ca II 3968)", "lambda": 3969.623, "label": "H (Ca II)"},
{"name": "H-epsilon", "lambda": 3971.195, "label": "H$\\epsilon$"},
{"name": "H-delta", "lambda": 4102.892, "label": "H$\\delta$"},
{"name": "G (Ca I 4307)", "lambda": 4308.952, "label": "G (Ca I)"},
{"name": "H-gamma", "lambda": 4341.684, "label": "H$\\gamma$"},
{"name": "H-beta", "lambda": 4862.683, "label": "H$\\beta$"},
{"name": "Mg I 5183", "lambda": 5185.048, "label": " "},
{"name": "Mg I 5172", "lambda": 5174.125, "label": " "},
{"name": "Mg I 5167", "lambda": 5168.762, "label": "Mg I"},
{"name": "D2 (Na I 5889)", "lambda": 5891.582, "label": " "},
{"name": "D1 (Na I 5895)", "lambda": 5897.554, "label": "D1,2 (Na I)"},
{"name": "H-alpha", "lambda": 6564.614, "label": "H$\\alpha$"}
[docs]def airtovac(l):
'''Convert air wavelengths (greater than 2000A) to vacuum wavelengths.
if l < 2000.0:
return l
vac = l
for iter in range(2):
sigma2 = (1.0e4 / vac) * (1.0e4 / vac)
fact = 1.0 + 5.792105e-2 / (238.0185 - sigma2) + \
1.67917e-3 / (57.362 - sigma2)
vac = l * fact
return vac