Source code for dl.helpers.legacy

"""Legacy helpers for Data Lab. Most are deprecated."""

__authors__ = 'Robert Nikutta <>, Data Lab <>'
__version__ = '20200204' # yyyymmdd

# std lib imports
from io import StringIO          # python 3
from queue import deque
from functools import partial

from collections import OrderedDict
import getpass
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)

# 3rd party Python imports
import numpy as np
from pandas import read_csv
from astropy.table import Table
from import parse_single_table

# Data Lab imports
from dl import authClient, queryClient

[docs]class Querist: def __init__(self,username='anonymous'): """Helper class to authenticate user with Data Lab, run queries, and convert results to the requested data type. Parameters ---------- username : str User name, will be supplied to :func:`authClient.login()` to obtain an authentication token. The default username is 'anonymous', which obtains an anonymous access token from :func:`authClient.login()`. Other user names will trigger a password prompt. The token can be cleared by calling :func:`clearToken()`. """ warnings.warn("The 'Querist' helper class is deprecated, and may be removed in future versions of Data Lab. Please use 'dlinterface'.",DeprecationWarning) # obtain auth token in secure way self.token = self._getToken(username) # map outfmt container types to a tuple: # (:func:`queryClient.query()` fmt-value, descriptive title, # processing function for the result string) self.mapping = OrderedDict([ ('string' , ('csv', 'CSV formatted table as a string', lambda x: x.getvalue())), ('array' , ('csv', 'Numpy array', partial(np.loadtxt,unpack=False,skiprows=1,delimiter=','))), ('structarray' , ('csv', 'Numpy structured / record array', partial(np.genfromtxt,dtype=float,delimiter=',',names=True))), ('pandas' , ('csv', 'Pandas dataframe', read_csv)), ('table' , ('csv', 'Astropy Table', partial(,format='csv'))), ('votable' , ('votable', 'Astropy VOtable', parse_single_table)) ]) self.openjobs = deque() # FIFO queue of submitted async jobIDs def _getToken(self,username): """Get authentication token through :func:`authClient.login()` Parameters ---------- username : str If 'anonymous', use default password and obtain default auth token. Otherwise prompt for password while trying to obtain a valid auth token. :func:`authClient.login() returns either a valid token, or an error message (as string), so we check the return value using :func:`authClient.isValidToken()`. If this returns False, we raise an Exception here. """ if username == 'anonymous': token = authClient.login('anonymous','') else: # print("Enter password:") token = authClient.login(username,getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter password:')) if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") else: print("Authentication successful.") return token
[docs] def clearToken(self): """Sets to token to empty string. Useful e.g. before saving a notebook.""" self.token = ''
def __call__(self,query=None,outfmt='array',preview=0,async_=False,**kw): """Submit `query` string via :func:`queryClient.query()`, and process the result. Parameters ---------- query : str or None The query string (sql). Example: .. code-block:: python query = "SELECT ra,dec,g FROM ls_dr3.tractor_primary WHERE g != 'nan'" If None, and the async FIFO queue is not empty, this triggers an attempt to retrieve the query results for the first async job in int queue. See below for more details. outfmt : str Desired output container type. The result of a query will be returned in this format. Possible values are: ``'string'`` (default) -- A table as comma-separated string. ``'array'`` -- Numpy array, with shape (ncols,nrows) ``'array'`` -- Numpy structured / record array, with shape (ncols,), and column names. ``'pandas'`` -- Pandas dataframe. ``'table'`` -- Astropy.table Table object. ``'votable'`` -- Note that this is much slower than e.g. 'pandas' or 'array'. preview : int Number of lines to preview on STDOUT. This does not count the header line. If `outfmt='votable'`, `preview` is not very useful, because of the XML that votable carries around. Default: 0 async_ : bool If ``False`` (default), submit queries in sync mode, i.e. expecting results immediately. If ``True``, submit query in async mode, storing the jobid in a FIFO queue (first-in-first-out). A subsequent call without arguments will attempt to retrieve the query result. If the query status is not yet ``COMPLETED``, the jobid is re-inserted into the queue (at old position), and the user is instructed to try later. Not yet implemented: automatic re-submission of a sync query in async mode, if the queryManager / DB raise Exception that "the query not suitable for sync mode". ``async_`` replaces the previous ``async`` parameter, because ``async`` was promoted to a keyword in Python 3.7. Users of Python versions prior to 3.7 can continue to use the ``async`` keyword. """ # Process optional keyword arguments. if 'async' in kw: async_ = kw['async'] if query is None: response, outfmt, preview = self.checkAsyncJob() else: try: response = queryClient.query(self.token,sql=query,fmt=self.mapping[outfmt][0],async_=async_) # submit the query, using your authentication token except Exception as e: print(str(e)) raise output = self._processOutput(response,outfmt,async_,preview) return output
[docs] def clearQueue(self): """Clears the async job queue, i.e. they become unretrievable.""" print("Clearing the queue of async queries.") self.openjobs.clear()
def _processOutput(self,response,outfmt,async_,preview): """Process the responses returned by calls to :func:`queryClient.query()`, either directly or indirectly through calls to :func:`checkAsyncJob()`. Parameters ---------- response : None or str If None, just return None, no processing. If str and async=None, this is hopefully a proper string-formatted response from a call to :func:`queryClient.query()`. If str and async=True, then response is the string-values async jobID. outfmt : str As in :func:`__init__()`. async_ : bool. As in :func:`__init__()`. preview : int As in :func:`__init__()`. """ # response=None means checkAsyncJob() was called, but status # was not 'COMPLETED'. No processing in this case. if response is None: return response # response is not None... else: # ... and async is False, means response is the returned query result; process it if async_ is False: s = StringIO(response) output = self.mapping[outfmt][2](s) print("Returning %s" % self.mapping[outfmt][1]) self._printPreview(response,preview) return output # ... and async is True, means the response is an async query jobID; put in in the FIFO queue elif async_ is True: self.openjobs.append((response,outfmt,preview)) print("Asynchronous query submitted as jobid=%s" % response) print("Get results a bit later with: result = Q()") return None
[docs] def checkAsyncJob(self): """Check the first async job in the FIFO queue (if queue is not empty). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Always returns a 3 tuple. If no async job was in the queue, returns (None,None,None). If there was an async query in the queue but its status did not return 'COMPLETED', re-inserts the query at its old position in the queue, and returns (None,None,None). If the status was 'COMPLETED', returns the tuple (query result,outfmt,preview). """ try: jobid, outfmt, preview = self.openjobs.popleft() print("jobid, outfmt, preview", jobid, outfmt, preview) except IndexError: print("There are no pending async jobs.") return None, None, None except Exception as e: print(str(e)) raise else: status = queryClient.status(self.token,jobid) if status in ('QUEUED','EXECUTING'): print("Async query job %s is currently %s. Please check a bit later with: result=Q()" % (jobid,status)) self.openjobs.appendleft((jobid,outfmt,preview)) # putting back in queue (from left, i.e. old position) return None, None, None elif status == 'COMPLETED': print("Async query job %s is COMPLETED. Attempting to retrieve results." % jobid) response = queryClient.results(self.token,jobid) return response, outfmt, preview
def _printPreview(self,response,preview): """Print to STDOUT `preview` number of lines from the string-valued `response` of a query. For many response formats this makes sense (e.g. CSV), for some less so (e.g. 'votable' because of the XML surrounding the result string). Parameters ---------- response : str A string-valued result returned by the :mod:`queryClient`. preview : int As in :func:`__init__()`. Returns ------- Nothing. """ if response is not None: if preview > 0: # TODO: take a (large enough) heading sub-string of response, and count lines on that) print("RESULT PREVIEW (%d rows)" % preview) print(response[:response.replace('\n', '|', preview).find('\n')]) # print the response preview
[docs] def printMapping(self): """Pretty-print to STDOUT the available `outfmt` values. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Nothing """ length = max([len(s) for s in self.mapping.keys()]) + 1 # max length of any outfmt string, plus one fmt = "%%%ds %%s" % length title = fmt % ("'outfmt' arg","Returned output") # mini table header print(title) print('-'*len(title)) for k,v in self.mapping.items(): print(fmt % (k,v[1]))
output_formats = property(printMapping)