Source code for dl.dlinterface

#!/usr/bin/env python
# DLINTERFACE.PY -- Python interactive interface to the Data Lab services.

#from __future__ import print_function

__authors__ = 'David Nidever <>, Matthew Graham <>, Mike Fitzpatrick <>, \
                 Robert Nikutta <>, Data Lab <>'
__version__ = '20170531'  # yyyymmdd

    Python interactive interface to the Data Lab services.

Import via

.. code-block:: python

    from dl.dlinterface import Dlinterface

import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import time
    import ConfigParser
    from urllib import quote_plus, urlencode		# Python 2
    from urllib2 import urlopen, Request                # Python 2
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    import configparser as ConfigParser                  # Python 2
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode      # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlopen, Request         # Python 3
    from io import StringIO
import requests
from io import BytesIO

# std lib imports
import getpass
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import tempfile
from functools import partial
import warnings
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

# use this for SIA service for now
from pyvo.dal import sia

# Data Lab Client interfaces
from dl import authClient, storeClient, queryClient

DAEMON_TIMEOUT = 60                             # Mount timeout
CAPS_DIR = "../caps"                            # Capability directory

ANON_TOKEN = "anonymous.0.0.anon_access"        # default tokens

# Service URLs
AM_URL = ""      # Auth Manager
SM_URL = ""   # Storage Manager
QM_URL = ""     # Query Manager

# SIA service
SIA_DEF_SIZE = 0.0085  # degrees

[docs]def getUserName (self): ''' Get the currently logged-in user token. If we haven't logged in return the anonymous username. ''' # could also use self.loginuser _user = self.dl.get("login", "user") if _user is None or _user == '': return "anonymous" else: return _user
[docs]def getUserToken (self): ''' Get the currently logged-in user token. If we haven't logged in return the anonymous token. ''' _token = self.dl.get("login", "authtoken") if _token is None or _token == '': return ANON_TOKEN else: return _token
[docs]def checkLogin (self): ''' Check if the user is already logged in. If not, give a warning message ''' if self.loginstatus != 'loggedin' and self.loginuser != 'anonymous': print ("You are not currently logged in. Please use dl.login() to do so.") return False else: return True
[docs]def areSyncQueriesWorking (): ''' This checks if the Query Manager is returning proper Sync queries. ''' queryworking = False # dead until proven alive if queryClient.isAlive() is True: # Do simple query with timeout headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/ascii', 'X-DL-AuthToken': ANON_TOKEN} query = quote_plus('select ra,dec from smash_dr1.object limit 2') dburl = '%s/query?sql=%s&ofmt=%s&out=%s&async=%s' % ( "", query, "csv", None, False) try: r = requests.get(dburl, headers=headers, timeout=1) except: pass else: # Check that the output looks right if type(r.content) == str and len(r.content.split('\n')) == 4 and r.content[0:6] == 'ra,dec': queryworking = True return queryworking
[docs]def isTapWorking (): ''' This checks if the TAP service and Tomcat are running. ''' tapworking = True # True to start and many ways to make it False # Check if the availability/tables endpoint is working try: #request = Request("") request = Request("") response = urlopen(request, timeout=2).read() # The full read request of tables take a couple seconds, just # try to get the header #r = requests.head("",timeout=2) except: tapworking = False else: tapworking = (tapworking if response is not None else False) # Check if the Tomcat service is responding try: request = Request("") response = urlopen(request, timeout=1).read() except: tapworking = False else: tapworking = (tapworking if response is not None else False) return tapworking
[docs]def areLoginsWorking(): ''' This checks if the Authentication Manager is returning proper tokens. ''' authworking = False # dead until proven alive if authClient.isAlive() is True: # Do simple token request url = "" query_args = {"username": "datalab", "password": "datalab", "profile": "default", "debug": False} try: r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, timeout=1) except: pass else: # Check that the output looks right response = r.text if type(r.content) == str and r.content[0:7] == 'datalab': authworking = True return authworking
[docs]def isListWorking(): ''' This checks if the Storage Manager is returning proper list queries: ''' storeworking = False # dead until proven alive if storeClient.isAlive() is True: # Do simple list queries timeout url = "" try: r = requests.get(url, headers={'X-DL-AuthToken': ANON_TOKEN}, timeout=1) except: pass else: # Check that the output looks right if type(r.content) == str: storeworking = True return storeworking
[docs]def addFormatMapping(self): ''' Add the format mapping information to the DL object ''' from collections import OrderedDict from pandas import read_csv from astropy.table import Table from import parse_single_table # map outfmt container types to a tuple: # (:func:`queryClient.query()` fmt-value, descriptive title, # processing function for the result string) mapping = OrderedDict([ ('csv' , ('csv', 'CSV formatted table as a string', lambda x: x.getvalue())), ('ascii' , ('ascii', 'Tab-delimited table as a string', lambda x: x.getvalue())), ('array' , ('csv', 'Numpy array', partial(np.loadtxt,unpack=False,skiprows=1,delimiter=','))), ('structarray' , ('csv', 'Numpy structured / record array', partial(np.genfromtxt,dtype=float,delimiter=',',names=True))), ('pandas' , ('csv', 'Pandas dataframe', read_csv)), ('table' , ('csv', 'Astropy Table', partial(,format='csv'))), ('votable' , ('votable', 'Astropy VOtable', parse_single_table)) ]) self.fmtmapping = mapping
[docs]def reformatQueryOutput(self, res=None, fmt='csv', verbose=True): ''' Reformat the output of a query based on a format. ''' # Not enough inputs if res is None: print ("Syntax - reformatQueryOutput(dl, results, fmt='csv'") return "" # Add the mapping information if not already loaded if self.fmtmapping is None: addFormatMapping(self) mapping = self.fmtmapping # Check that this format is supported if fmt not in mapping.keys(): print ("Format %s not supported." % fmt) return "" # Convert to the desired format #s = StringIO(res) s = BytesIO(res.encode()) output = mapping[fmt][2](s) if verbose is True: print ("Returning %s" % mapping[fmt][1]) return output
[docs]def convert_vospace_time_to_seconds(str_date): """A convenience method that takes a string from a vospace time field and converts it to seconds since epoch. :param str_date: string to parse into a VOSpace time :type str_date: str :return: A datetime object for the provided string date :rtype: datetime """ right = str_date.rfind(":") + 3 mtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(str_date[0:right], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) #return mtime - time.mktime(time.gmtime()) + time.mktime(time.localtime()) # returns wrong time zome time return mtime
[docs]def getNodeInfo(self, xnode, lenpathbase, verbose=True): ''' Get information on a node. The input is a "node" element of a XML ElementTree. ''' # Gather up all the necessary information for this node vals = {'uri':'', 'type':'', 'length':'', 'MD5':'', 'target':'', 'date':'', 'ispublic':'', 'caps':'', 'groupread':None, 'groupwrite':None, 'is_public':None, 'name':'', 'verbosename':'', 'size':'', 'permissions':''} vals['uri'] = xnode.get('uri') vals['type'] = xnode.get('{}type') abspathbase = 'vos://datalab.noao!vospace/'+getUserName(self)+'/' lenabspathbase = len(abspathbase) vals['name'] = vals['uri'][lenpathbase:] # Gather more information for verbose output if verbose is True: # Loop over properties/accepts/provides/capabilities/nodes for p in xnode: if (p.tag.endswith('target') is True): vals['target'] = p.text # Loop over "children" for ch in p: if (p.tag.endswith('properties') is True) and (len(p) > 0): churi = ch.get('uri') n = churi.split('#')[1] vals[n] = ch.text if (p.tag.endswith('capabilities') is True) and (len(p) > 0): churi = ch.get('uri') cap = churi.split('#')[1] if vals['caps'] == '': vals['caps'] = cap else: vals['caps'] = vals['caps']+','+cap # Parse the information a bit more vals['verbosename'] = vals['name'] if vals['type'] == 'vos:ContainerNode': vals['verbosename'] += '/' if vals['type'] == 'vos:LinkNode': target = vals['target'][lenabspathbase:] vals['verbosename'] += ' -> /'+target # absolute path size = vals['length'] if (type(size) is int) or (type(size) is str and size.isdigit() is True): size = storeClient.sizeof_fmt(int(size)) vals['size'] = size # Better date modified_time = convert_vospace_time_to_seconds(vals['date']) vals['time'] = time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(modified_time)) # Create the permissions string perm = [] for i in range(10): perm.append('-') perm[1] = 'r' perm[2] = 'w' if vals['type'] == "vos:ContainerNode": perm[0] = 'd' if vals['type'] == "vos:LinkNode": perm[0] = 'l' #if self.props.get('ispublic', "false") == "true": if vals['ispublic'] == "true": perm[-3] = 'r' perm[-2] = '-' #write_group = self.props.get('groupwrite', '') # MJG #if write_group != '': if vals['groupwrite'] != '': perm[5] = 'w' #read_group = self.props.get('groupread', '') #if read_group != '': if vals['groupread'] != '': perm[4] = 'r' vals['permissions'] = ''.join(perm) # Return the dictionary of values return vals
[docs]def writeAscii(filename, txt): ''' Write data to ASCII file ''' fd = open(filename,'wb') fd.write(txt) fd.flush() fd.close()
[docs]def readAscii(filename): ''' Read in an ASCII file and return the data ''' if type(filename) is str: fd = open(filename, 'r') else: fd = filename data = fd.close() return data
[docs]def convertTableToFormat(t,format): ''' Convert Astropy table to a different format using StringIO and write method. ''' out = StringIO() t.write(out, format = format) return out.getvalue()
#class Node: # ''' # A class to hold node information. # ''' # def __init__(self, xnode): # self.uri = None # self.type = None # self.length = None # self.MD5 = None # = '' # = '' # self.groupread = None # self.groupwrite = None # self.is_public = None # self.islocked = None # self.caps = '' # = '' # self.verbosename = '' # self.size = '' # self.permissions = '' # # def isdir(self): # ''' Determine if this node is a directory. # ''' # return (True if self.type == 'vos:ContainerNode' else False) # # def islink(self): # ''' Determine if this node is a link. # ''' # return (True if self.type == 'vos:LinkNode' else False) # # def getPerms(self): # ''' Get the permissions string. # ''' # perm = [] # for i in range(10): # perm.append('-') # perm[1] = 'r' # perm[2] = 'w' # if self.type == "vos:ContainerNode": # perm[0] = 'd' # if self.type == "vos:LinkNode": # perm[0] = 'l' # #if self.props.get('ispublic', "false") == "true": # if self.ispublic == "true": # perm[-3] = 'r' # perm[-2] = '-' # #write_group = self.props.get('groupwrite', '') # MJG # #if write_group != '': # if self.groupwrite != '': # perm[5] = 'w' # #read_group = self.props.get('groupread', '') # #if read_group != '': # if self.groupread != '': # perm[4] = 'r' # return string.join(perm, '')
[docs]class DLInteract: ''' Main class for Data Lab interactions ''' def __init__(self): self.home = '%s/.datalab' % os.path.expanduser('~') # Check that $HOME/.datalab exists if not os.path.exists(self.home): os.makedirs(self.home) # See if datalab conf file exists self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) if not os.path.exists('%s/dl.conf' % self.home): self.config.add_section('datalab') self.config.set('datalab', 'created', time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())) self.config.add_section('login') self.config.set('login', 'status', 'loggedout') self.config.set('login', 'user', '') self.config.add_section('vospace') self.config.set('vospace', 'mount', '') self._write() else:'%s/dl.conf' % self.home) # Set script variables CAPS_DIR = os.getenv('VOSPACE_CAPSDIR', '../caps')
[docs] def save(self, section, param, value): ''' Save the configuration file. ''' if not self.config.has_section(section): self.config.add_section(section) self.config.set(section, param, value) self._write()
[docs] def get(self, section, param): ''' Get a value from the configuration file. ''' return self.config.get(section, param)
def _write(self): ''' Write out the configuration file to disk. ''' with open('%s/dl.conf' % self.home, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile)
#### Main Data Lab Interface Class and method #####
[docs]class Dlinterface: ''' Data Lab python interface super-class with methods for each command. ''' def __init__(self, verbose=True): dlinteract = DLInteract() self.dl = dlinteract self.loginstatus = "loggedout" self.loginuser = "" #self.logintoken = "" self.verbose = verbose self.fmtmapping = None self.qhistory = None if verbose is True: print ("Welcome to the Data Lab python interface. Type for help.") ''' Print method, just print the help ''' def __str__(self): return " " #### HELP ########
[docs] def help(self, command=None): ''' Print out useful help information on the Data Lab python interface and it's commands. ''' # Print out general help information if command is None: print ("The Data Lab python interface.") print (" ") print ("The available commands are:") print (" ") print (" - Helpful information") print ("Use<command>) for specific help on a command.") print (" ") print ("-- Login and authentication --") print ("dl.login() - Login to the Data Lab") print ("dl.logout() - Logout of the Data Lab") print ("dl.status() - Report on the user status") print ("dl.whoami() - Print the current active user") print ("dl.servicestatus() - Report on the status of the DL services") print (" ") print ("-- File system operations --") print (" - List a location in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.get() - Get a file from Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.put() - Put a file into Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.cp() - Copy a file in Data Lab VOSpace") print (" - Move a file in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.rm() - Delete a file in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.mkdir() - Create a directory in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.rmdir() - Delete a directory in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.ln() - Link a file in Data Lab VOSpace") print ("dl.load() - Load data from a local or VOSpace file") print (" - Save data to a local or VOSpace file") print ("dl.copyurl() - Copy a file from a URL to Data Lab VOSpace") print (" ") print ("-- Query and database operations --") print ("dl.query() - Query a remote data service in the Data Lab") print ("dl.queryhistory() - List history of queries made") print ("dl.queryresults() - Get the async query results") print ("dl.querystatus() - Get an async query job status") print ("dl.queryprofiles() - List the available query profiles") print ("dl.schema() - Get information on database schemas") print ("dl.droptable() - Drop a user MyDB table") print ("dl.exporttable() - Copy a user MyDB table to a VOSpace CSV file") print ("dl.listdb() - List the user MyDB tables") print ("dl.siaquery() - Query a SIA service in the Data Lab") # Help on a specific command else: cmd = getattr(self, command, None) if cmd is not None: #print cmd.__doc__ help(cmd) else: print ("%s is not a supported command." % command)
[docs] def servicestatus(self): ''' This checks on the status of the DL services. ''' # Check the Auth Manager if areLoginsWorking() is True: print ("Authentication - ALIVE") else: print ("Authentication - DEAD") # Check that SYNC queries are working if areSyncQueriesWorking() is True: print ("SYNC queries - ALIVE") else: print ("SYNC queries - DEAD") # Check that ASYNC queries and TAP are working if isTapWorking() is True: print ("ASYNC queries - ALIVE") else: print ("ASYNC queries - DEAD") # Check the Storage Manager if isListWorking() is True: print ("Storage - ALIVE") else: print ("Storage - DEAD")
################################################ # Account Login Tasks ################################################
[docs] def login(self, user=None): ''' Login to Data Lab using username. Parameters ---------- user : str The Data lab username. If this is not given, then the user will be prompted for the information. Example ------- .. code-block:: python Login and give the username, dl.login('myusername') Enter password: ******* Welcome to the Data Lab, myusername or, dl.login() Enter user: myusername Enter password: ****** Welcome to the Data Lab, myusername ''' # Check if we are already logged in. The 'user' field of the # configuration contains the currently active user and token, # however previous logins will have preserved tokens from other # accounts we may be able to use. DOLOGIN = True # login by default # Already logged in if self.loginstatus == "loggedin": _user = self.dl.get("login", "user") # Same username if user == _user: # See whether current token is still valid for this user. _token = self.dl.get("login", "authtoken") if not authClient.isValidToken (_token): print ("Current token for User '%s' no longer valid. Please login again." % user) DOLOGIN = True else: DOLOGIN = False print ("User '%s' is already logged in to the Data Lab" % user) elif user is None: DOLOGIN = False print ("User '%s' is already logged in to the Data Lab" % user) # Different username else: # We're logging in as a different user. print ("You are currently logged in as user '%s'. Switching to %s." % (_user, user)) DOLOGIN = True # Not logged in else: DOLOGIN = True # Do the login via the authClient if DOLOGIN is True: if user == None or user == '': user = raw_input('Enter user: ') if user == 'anonymous': if self.loginstatus == 'loggedin': # logout previous user first self.logout(verbose=False) token = authClient.login('anonymous','') self.loginuser = user else: token = authClient.login(user,getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter password: ')) if not authClient.isValidToken(token): print ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") return else: self.loginuser = user print ("Welcome to the Data Lab, %s" % user) #print "Authentication successful.""login", "status", "loggedin")"login", "user", user)"login", "authtoken", token), "authtoken", token) self.loginstatus = "loggedin" #self.user = user #self.token = token return
[docs] def logout(self, unmount=None, verbose=True): ''' Logout out of the Data Lab. Example ------- Logout of Data Lab. .. code-block:: python dl.logout() 'myusername' is now logged out of the Data Lab ''' if self.loginstatus == 'loggedout': print ("No user is currently logged into the Data Lab") return else: token = getUserToken(self) user, uid, gid, hash = token.strip().split('.', 3) res = authClient.logout (token) if res != "OK": print ("Error: %s" % res) return"login", "status", "loggedout")"login", "user", "")"login", "authtoken", "") if verbose is True: print ("'%s' is now logged out of the Data Lab" % user) self.loginstatus = "loggedout"
#self.user = "" #self.token = ""
[docs] def status(self): ''' Print the status of the Data Lab connection. Example ------- The "myusername" is logged in. .. code-block:: python dl.status() User myusername is logged into the Data Lab No user is currently logged in. .. code-block:: python dl.status() No user is currently logged into the Data Lab ''' if self.loginstatus == "loggedout": print ("No user is currently logged into the Data Lab") else: print ("User %s is logged into the Data Lab" % \ self.dl.get("login", "user"))
[docs] def whoami(self): ''' Print the current active user. Example ------- .. code-block:: python dl.whoami() myusername ''' print (getUserName(self))
################################################ # Query Manager Tasks ################################################
[docs] def query(self, query=None, qtype='sql', fmt='csv', out=None, async_=False, drop=False, profile='default', verbose=True, **kw): ''' Send a query to a remote query service. Parameters ---------- query : str The query string that will be passed to the queryClient and then to the DB query manager. This can either be in the SQL or ADQL format (specified by the "type" parameter). For example, .. code-block:: python 'select ra,dec from gaia_dr1.gaia_source limit 3' qtype : str The query format, SQL or ADQL. SQL is used by default. fmt : str Format of the result to be returned by the query. Permitted values are. For file output and direct output to python: * 'csv' the returned result is a comma-separated string that looks like a csv file (newlines at the end of every row) * 'ascii' same as csv but tab-delimited * 'votable' result is a string XML-formatted as a VO table Only for direct output to python: * 'array' Numpy array * 'structarray' Numpy structured / record array * 'pandas' a Pandas data frame * 'table' in Astropy Table format Only for file output: * 'fits' FITS binary table. Only if the results are saved to a file with out=. * 'hdf5' HDF5 file. Only if the results are saved to a file with out=. out : str or None The output name if the results are to be saved to mydb (mydb://tablename), to VOSpace (vos://filename), or the local file system (file:// and other names with no prefix). The files are in csv format. async_ : bool If ``True``, the query is asynchronous, i.e. a job is submitted to the DB, and a jobID is returned. The jobID must be then used to check the query's status and to retrieve the result (when status is ``COMPLETE``). Default is ``False``, i.e. synchroneous query. ``async_`` replaces the previous ``async`` parameter, because ``async`` was promoted to a keyword in Python 3.7. Users of Python versions prior to 3.7 can continue to use the ``async`` keyword. drop : bool If ``True``, then if the query is saving to mydb where the same table name already exists, it will overwrite the old mydb table. Returns ------- result : str If ``async_=False`` and ``out`` is not used, then the return value is the result of the query in the requested format (see ``fmt``). If ``out`` is given then the query result is saved to a file or mydb. If ``async_=True`` the jobID is returned with which later the asynchronous query's status can be checked (:func:`dl.querystatus()`), and the result retrieved (see :func:`dl.queryresults()`. Example ------- A simple query returned as a pandas data frame. .. code-block:: python data = dl.query('SELECT * from smash_dr1.source LIMIT 100',fmt='pandas') Returning Pandas dataframe type(data) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame print data['ra'][0:3] 0 103.068355 1 103.071774 2 103.071598 Perform a query and save the results to a table called "table1.txt" in mydb. .. code:: res = dl.query('SELECT * from smash_dr1.source LIMIT 100',out='mydb://table1.txt') dl.listmydb() Perform the same query and save it to a local file. .. code:: res = dl.query('SELECT * from smash_dr1.source LIMIT 100',out='table1.txt') ls table1.txt ''' # Process optional keyword arguments. if 'async' in kw: async_ = kw['async'] # Not enough information input if (query is None): print ("Syntax - dl.query(query, qtype='sql|adql', fmt='csv|ascii|array|structarray|pandas|table|votable|fits|hdf5',") print (" out='', async_=False, profile='default')") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken (self) # Check if the source file actually exist if out is not None and not out.startswith('mydb://'): res =,out,'csv') if res != '': print ("'%s' already exists." % out) return # Can only use FITS or HDF for file output if (out is None or out == '') and fmt in ['fits','hdf5']: print ("Can only use format '%s' for file output." % fmt) return # Cannot use pandas, array, structarray for file output if (out is not None and out != '') and fmt in ['pandas','array','structarray','table']: print ("Cannot use format '%s' for file output." % fmt) return # Use QID to rerun a previous query if (type(query) is int) or (type(query) is str and query.isdigit() is True): queryid = int(query) keys = sorted(self.qhistory.keys()) if ((queryid in keys) is False): # no QID print ("QID = %s not found" % str(queryid)) return print ("Rerunning QID = %d" % queryid) v = self.qhistory[queryid] # qid, type, async_, query, time, jobid, username, format, status/nrows query = v[3] print ("Query = '%s'" % query) # Check type if qtype not in ['sql','adql']: print ("Only 'sql' and 'adql' queries are currently supported.") return _query = query # local working copy # Check if the query is in a file if os.path.exists (_query): with open (_query, "r", 0) as fd: _query = (os.path.getsize(_query)+1) fd.close() # What type of query are we doing sql = None adql = None if qtype == 'sql': sql = _query else: adql = _query # Add the mapping information if not already loaded if (out is None or out == '') and (self.fmtmapping is None): addFormatMapping(self) mapping = self.fmtmapping # The queryClient "fmt" will depend on the requested output format if (out is None or out == ''): try: qcfmt = mapping[fmt][0] except: print ("Format '%s' not supported." % fmt) return else: qcfmt = 'csv' # Execute the query. if profile != "default": if profile != "" and profile is not None: queryClient.set_profile (profile=profile) try: res = queryClient.query (token, adql=adql, sql=sql, fmt=qcfmt, out=out, async_=async_, drop=drop) except Exception as e: if not async_ and str(e) is not None: err = str(e) if err.find("Time-out") >= 0: print ("Error: Sync query timeout, try an async query") else: print (str(e)) else: print (str(e)) else: # Add this query to the query history jobid = None status = '' if (out is None or out == '') and (not async_): # regular sync query status = len(res.split('\n'))-2 # number of rows returned if (out is not None) and (out != '') and (not async_): status = res # sync query to file, vos, or mydb if async_: jobid = res status = 'SUBMITTED' if self.qhistory is None: qid = 1 self.qhistory = {qid : (qid, qtype, async_, _query, time.time(), jobid, getUserName(self), fmt, status)} else: qid = int(max(self.qhistory.keys())) + 1 self.qhistory[qid] = (qid, qtype, async_, _query, time.time(), jobid, getUserName(self), fmt, status) # Return the results # Asynchronous if async_: print ("Asynchronous query JobID = %s " % res) # Return the JobID return res # Synchronous elif out == '' or out is None: # Convert to the desired format return reformatQueryOutput(self,res,fmt,verbose=verbose)
[docs] def queryhistory(self, async_=None, **kw): ''' Report the history of queries made so far. Parameters ---------- async : bool A boolean (True/False) of whether to only show the ASYNC queries. By default all queries are shown. ``async_`` replaces the previous ``async`` parameter, because ``async`` was promoted to a keyword in Python 3.7. Users of Python versions prior to 3.7 can continue to use the ``async`` keyword. Results ------- The information on part queries is output to the screen with the following columns: query ID, submission time, query type (sql/adql), sync or async query, jobid (for async queries), output format, status of query (or number of returned rows if sync query), query string Examples -------- Perform some queries and then list the history. .. code-block:: python data1 = dl.query('select ra,dec from smash_dr1.source limit 100',fmt='csv') Returning CSV formatted table as a string data2 = dl.query('select ra,dec from smash_dr1.source limit 500',fmt='pandas') Returning Pandas dataframe data3 = dl.query('select ra,dec from smash_dr1.source limit 1000',fmt='structarray') Returning Numpy structured / record array dl.queryhistory() 1 2017-05-16 13:27:34 sql SYNC pandas 100 -- 'select ra,dec,gmag from smash_dr1.object limit 100' 2 2017-05-16 13:27:40 sql SYNC csv 500 -- 'select ra,dec,gmag from smash_dr1.object limit 500' 3 2017-05-16 13:27:46 sql SYNC structarray 1000 -- 'select ra,dec,gmag from smash_dr1.object limit 1000' ''' # Process optional keyword arguments. if 'async' in kw: async_ = kw['async'] if self.qhistory is None: print ("No queries made so far") return else: keys = sorted(self.qhistory.keys()) # Only async request, make sure we have some if async_ is True: asyncv = [] for k in keys: v = self.qhistory[k] asyncv.append(v[2]) if sum(asyncv) == 0: print ("No ASYNC queries made so far") return # Loop through the query history print ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print ("QID DATE Type A/SYNC Format Status JobID Query") print ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for k in keys: # qid, type, async_, query, time, jobid, username, format, status/nrows v = list(self.qhistory[k]) # convert to list # Get the query status for ASYNC queries if v[2] is True: jobid = v[5] token = getUserToken(self) stat = queryClient.status(token, jobId=jobid) v[8] = stat if (async_ is True and v[2] == True) or (async_ is not True): print ("%-3d %-19s %-4s %-5s %-11s %-10s %-18s '%-s'" % (v[0], time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(v[4])), v[1], 'ASYNC' if v[2] else 'SYNC', v[7], str(v[8]), v[5] if v[2] else "--", ' '.join(v[3].split()))) print ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
# Maybe leave off the jobid if we are using QID instead??!!
[docs] def querystatus(self, jobid=None): ''' Get the async query job status. Parameters ---------- jobid : str This can be either (1) the Query ID (QID) returned by the dl.queryhistory() command, or (2) the unique job identifier for the asynchronous query which was returned by :func:`ql.query` when the query job was submitted. Returns ------- status : str The status of the query, which can be one of the following: ``QUEUED`` the query job is in queue and waiting to be executed. ``EXECUTING`` the query job is currently running. ``COMPLETED`` the query is done and the results are ready to be retrieved with :func:`dl.queryresults()`. ``ERROR`` there was a problem with the query. Example ------- Submit an asynchronous query and then check the status. .. code-block:: python jobid = dl.query('SELECT ra,dec from smash_dr1.source LIMIT 100',async_=True) Asynchronous query JobID = uqrcs8a5n8s6d0je dl.querystatus(jobid) COMPLETED ''' # Not enough information input if (jobid is None): print ("Syntax - dl.querystatus(jobId/QID)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Was a QID or JobId input? _jobid = jobid # assume a jobid was input # QID was input if (type(jobid) is int) or (type(jobid) is str and jobid.isdigit() is True): keys = sorted(self.qhistory.keys()) if ((int(jobid) in keys) is False): # no QID print ("QID = %s not found" % str(jobid)) return v = self.qhistory[int(jobid)] # qid, type, async_, query, time, jobid, username, format, status/nrows if v[2] is False: # not an async query print ("QID = %s is not an ASYNC query" % str(jobid)) return _jobid = v[5] # Get the status print (queryClient.status (token, jobId=_jobid))
[docs] def queryresults(self, jobid=None): ''' Get the async query results. Parameters ---------- jobid : str This can be either (1) the Query ID (QID) returned by the dl.queryhistory() command, or (2) the unique job identifier for the asynchronous query which was returned by :func:`ql.query` when the query job was submitted. Returns ------- result : str The result of the query in the requested format (see ``fmt`` in :func:`dl.query`. Example ------- Submit an asynchronous query and then check the status. .. code-block:: python jobid = dl.query('SELECT ra,dec from smash_dr1.source LIMIT 3',async_=True) Asynchronous query JobID = uqrcs8a5n8s6d0je dl.querystatus(jobid) COMPLETED results = dl.queryresults(jobid) print results ra,dec 103.068354922718,-37.973538878907299 103.071774116284,-37.973599429479599 103.071597827998,-37.972329108796401 ''' # Not enough information input if (jobid is None): print ("Syntax - dl.queryresults(jobId/QID)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Was a QID or JobId input? _jobid = jobid # assume a jobid was input # QID was input if (type(jobid) is int) or (type(jobid) is str and jobid.isdigit() is True): keys = sorted(self.qhistory.keys()) if ((int(jobid) in keys) is False): # no QID print ("QID = %s not found" % str(jobid)) return v = self.qhistory[int(jobid)] # qid, type, async_, query, time, jobid, username, format, status/nrows if v[2] is False: # not an async query print ("QID = %s is not an ASYNC query" % str(jobid)) return _jobid = v[5] fmt = v[7] # JobID input, get the output format else: keys = sorted(self.qhistory.keys()) for k in keys: v = self.qhistory[k] # qid, type, async_, query, time, jobid, username, format, status/nrows if v[5] == jobid: fmt = v[7] break # Check first if the job has been completed stat = queryClient.status (token, jobId=_jobid) if stat != 'COMPLETED': print ("The job has not yet completed") return # Get the results res = (queryClient.results (token, jobId=_jobid)) # Convert to the desired format return reformatQueryOutput(self,res,fmt,verbose=True)
[docs] def listdb(self, table=''): ''' List the user's MyDB tables. Parameters ---------- table : str The name of a specific table in mydb. If this is blank then all tables will be listed. Returns ------- list : str The list of properties of ``table`` or all tables in mydb. Example ------- List the MyDB tables. .. code-block:: python print dl.listmydb() table table2 ''' # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) try: res = queryClient.list (token, table=table) except Exception as e: print ("Error listing MyDB tables.") print (str(e)) else: if res == 'relation "" not known': print ("No tables in MyDB") res = '' else: res = ' '.join(res.splitlines()) # convert to space separated list return res
[docs] def droptable(self, table=None): ''' Drop a user's MyDB table. Parameters ---------- table : str The name of a specific table in mydb to drop. Returns ------- list : str The list of properties of ``table`` or all tables in mydb. Example ------- Drop the MyDB table called ``table``. .. code-block:: python print dl.listdb() table table2 dl.droptable('table') table table2 print dl.listdb() table2 ''' # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) try: queryClient.drop (token, table=table) except Exception as e: print ("Error dropping table '%s'." % table) print (str(e)) else: print ("Table '%s' was dropped." % table)
[docs] def exporttable(self, table=None, name=None, fmt=None): ''' Copy a user's MyDB table to a file in VOSpace. Parameters ---------- table : str The name of a specific table in mydb to drop. name : str The file name to save the table to. fmt : str The output file format. The available formats are 'csv', 'fits' and 'hdf5'. If this is not specified then the file extension is used to identify the format type. Example ------- Export the MyDB table called ``table`` to file ``test.csv``. .. code-block:: python dl.exporttable('table','test.csv') ''' # Not enough information input if (table is None or name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.exporttable(table,name,fmt)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) if not name.startswith('vos://'): name = ("vos://" + name) # Check if the table exists res = queryClient.list (token, table='') if table not in res.splitlines(): print ("Table '%s' not found." % table) return # Check if the file exists already res =,name,'csv') if res != '': print ("'%s' already exists." % name) return # Figure out the format type if fmt is None: fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(name) fmtmap = { '.fits':'fits', '.hdf5':'hdf5', '.csv':'csv' } try: fmt = fmtmap[fext] except: print ("Format '%s' not supported. Using 'csv' instead." % fmt) fmt = 'csv' # Make sure the fmt is supported if fmt not in ['fits','hdf5','csv']: print ("Format '%s' not supported." % fmt) return # Make the MyDB query and output to VOSpace try: res = queryClient.query (token, sql='select * from mydb://'+table,out=name,fmt=fmt) except Exception as e: print ("Error exorting table '%s'." % table) print (str(e)) else: print ("Table '%s' was copied to '%s'." % (table, name))
[docs] def queryprofiles(self, profile=None): ''' List the available Query Manager profiles to use with a :func:`dl.query`. Parameters ---------- profile : str The name of a specific Query Manager profile to check. If this is blank then all of the available profile names will be listed. Returns ------- results : str The list of properties of profile ``profile``, or a list of all available profiles. Example ------- List of available profiles. .. code-block:: python dl.queryprofiles() default,IRSA,HEASARC,Vizier,GAVO,SIMBAD,zeus1,SDSS-DR9,STScI-RegTAP,GALEX-DR6,dldb1 Get profile information on profile ``dldb1``. dl.queryprofiles('dldb1') {u'accessURL': u'', u'dbport': 5432, u'password': u'datalab', u'description': u'Development NOAO Data Lab TAP Service / Database on dldb1', u'database': u'tapdb', u'host': u'', u'vosRoot': u'vos://datalab.noao!vospace', u'vosEndpoint': u'', u'user': u'dlquery', u'vosRootDir': u'/data/vospace/users', u'type': u'datalab'} ''' # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) print (queryClient.list_profiles (token, profile=profile))
[docs] def schema(self, val='', fmt='text', profile='default'): ''' Print information about data service schema. Parameters ---------- val : str Value to list ([[<schema>][.<table>][.<col>]]). fmt: str Output format (csv|text|json). profile : str Service profile. Returns ------- results : str The schema information is printed to the screen. Example ------- Print out all the DL tables. .. code-block:: python datalab schema Schema Name Description ----------- ----------- gaia_dr1 GAIA Data Release 1 ivoa IVOA ObsCore tables des_sva1 DES SVA1 Data Products tap_schema TAP Schema Tables usno USNO Astrometry Catalogs sdss_dr13 neo_dr1 NEO Survey Data Release 1 ls_dr3 The DECam Legacy Survey Data Release 3 smash_dr1 SMASH Data Release 1 List all tables in a schema/catalog. .. code-block:: python datalab schema val=smash_dr1 Schema: smash_dr1 Table Name Description ---------- ----------- chip Info on each chip in the frame exposure Info on each exposure field Info on each target field (position, Num exposures, etc) object Average photometry of each unique object source All of the individual source measurements stars View of object table to select for stars galaxies View of object table to select for galaxies xmatch Crossmatch of object against GAIA DR1 and WISE ''' print (queryClient.schema (value=val, format=fmt, profile=profile))
################################################ # Storage Manager Tasks ################################################
[docs] def ls(self, name='vos://', format='csv', verbose=False): ''' List files in VOSpace. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of a specific file to list. If name is blank then all files will be listed. format : str The format to use. verbose: bool Give more verbose output, or just a list of files. The default is verbose=True. Returns ------- results : str The list of files in VOSpace. Example ------- List the files. .. code-block:: python test2 test1 Verbose listing of the files in the ``public/`` directory. .. code-block:: python'public',verbose=True) lrw-rw---- demo15 0B 17 May 2017 14:04:25 thisisalsoalink -> /public/smash2 lrw-rw---- demo15 0B 17 May 2017 13:58:04 thisisalink -> /smash1 -rw-rw-r-- demo15 3.4K 17 May 2017 09:40:13 smash2 -rw-rw-r-- demo15 3.4K 17 May 2017 07:34:54 smash1 drw-rw---- demo15 0B 17 May 2017 14:05:02 data/ tableingester,downloader,runner ''' # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Trim trailing / or /*, messes up directory listing if name != 'vos://': name = (name if not name.endswith('/') else name[:-1]) name = (name if not name.endswith('/*') else name[:-2]) # Run the LS command res = (token, name=name, format='raw') root = ET.fromstring('<data>'+res+'</data>') pathbase = 'vos://datalab.noao!vospace/'+getUserName(self)+'/' # Check if this is a directory listing if (len(root) == 1) and (root[0].attrib['{}type'] == 'vos:ContainerNode'): pathbase = root[0].attrib['uri']+'/' for k in root[0]: if (k.tag.endswith('nodes') is True): root = k # make the "nodes" the new root break lenpathbase = len(pathbase) if verbose is False: # start output string list flist = [] # Loop over nodes user = getUserName(self) for node in root: # Gather up all the necessary information for this node vals = getNodeInfo(self, node, lenpathbase, verbose=verbose) if verbose is True: # Now print out the information print ("%10s %s %6s %s %s %s" % (vals['permissions'], user, vals['size'], vals['time'], vals['verbosename'], vals['caps'])) else: # Add trailing "/" for directories name = (vals['name']+'/' if vals['type']=='vos:ContainerNode' else vals['name']) flist.append("%s " % name) if verbose is False: print (' '.join(flist))
[docs] def get(self, source=None, destination=None, verbose=True): ''' Get one or more files from Data Lab. Parameters ---------- source : str The name of the source file on VOSpace, e.g. ``file2.txt``. destination : str The name of the local destination file, e.g. ``file1.txt``. Example ------- Get a query output table called ``table1_output.txt`` from VOSpace. .. code-block:: python dl.get('table1_output.txt','table1_output.txt') (1/1) [====================] [ 9.1K] table1_output.txt ''' # Not enough information input if (source is None) or (destination is None): print ("Syntax - dl.get(source, destination)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the GET command storeClient.get (token, source, destination, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def put(self, source=None, destination=None, verbose=True): ''' Put files into Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- source : str The name of a local file to upload to VOSpace, e.g. ``file1.txt``. destination : str The name of the destination file with, e.g. ``file2.txt``. The destination file can have the vos:// prefix but it is not required. Example ------- Put a catalog called ``cat.fits`` into VOSpace. .. code-block:: python dl.put('cat.fits','cat.fits') (1 / 1) cat.fits -> vos://cat.fits ''' # Not enough information input if (source is None) or (destination is None): print ("Syntax - dl.put(source, destination)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the PUT command res = storeClient.put (token, source, destination, verbose=verbose) if res == '[<Response [200]>]': # Return None if nothing to give res = None return res
[docs] def mv(self, source=None, destination=None, verbose=True): ''' Move a file in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- source : str The name the file in VOSpace to move/rename, e.g. ``file1.txt``. destination : str The new name of the file in VOSpace (e.g. ``newfile1.txt``) or the directory to move it to. Example ------- Rename the file ``file.txt`` to ``newfile.txt``. .. code-block:: python file.txt'file.txt','newfile.txt') newfile.txt Move the file ``output.fits`` to the ``results/`` directory. .. code-block:: python output.txt, results'output.fits','results/output.fits') results/output.txt ''' # Not enough information input if (source is None) or (destination is None): print ("Syntax -, destination)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Check if the source file actually exist res =,source,'csv') if res == '': print ("'%s' not found" % source) return # Run the MV command (token, fr=source, to=destination, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def cp(self, source=None, destination=None, verbose=True): ''' Copy a file in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- source : str The name of the file in VOSpace to copy, e.g. ``file1.txt``. destination : str The new name of the file in VOSpace, e.g. ``newfile1.txt``. Example ------- Copy the file ``file.txt`` to ``newfile.txt``. .. code-block:: python file1.txt dl.cp('file1.txt','newfile.txt') file1.txt, newfile.txt ''' # Not enough information input if (source is None) or (destination is None): print ("Syntax - dl.cp(source, destination)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Check if the source file actually exist res =,source,'csv') if res == '': print ("'%s' not found" % source) return # Run the CP command storeClient.cp (token, fr=source, to=destination, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def rm(self, name=None, verbose=True): ''' Delete files in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the file in VOSpace to delete, e.g. ``file1.txt``. Example ------- Delete the file ``file1.txt``. .. code-block:: python file1.txt, file2.txt dl.rm('file1.txt') file2.txt ''' # Not enough information input if (name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.rm(name)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the RM command storeClient.rm (token, name=name, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def ln(self, target=None, link=None): ''' Link a file in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- target : str The name of the file in VOSpace to link to, e.g. ``file1.txt``. link : str The name of the link, e.g. ``file1link``. Example ------- Create a link called ``iamlink`` to the file ``file1.txt``. .. code-block:: python file1.txt dl.ln('file1.txt','iamlink') file1.txt, iamlink ''' # Not enough information input if (link is None) or (target is None): print ("Syntax - dl.ln(target, link)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # They require vos:// prefix to work lnk = (link if link.startswith("vos://") else ("vos://" + link)) trg = (target if target.startswith("vos://") else ("vos://" + target)) # Run the LN command storeClient.ln (token, fr=lnk, target=trg)
[docs] def mkdir(self, name=None): ''' Create a directory in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the directory in VOSpace to create, e.g. ``results``. Example ------- Create the directory ``data1/``. .. code-block:: python dl.mkdir('data1') ''' # Not enough information input if (name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.mkdir(name)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the MKDIR command # currently this must have vos:// prefix if name[0:6] != 'vos://': name = 'vos://' + name storeClient.mkdir (token, name=name)
[docs] def rmdir(self, name=None): ''' Delete a directory in Data Lab VOSpace. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the directory in VOSpace to delete, e.g. ``results``. Example ------- Delete the directory ``data1/``. .. code-block:: python dl.rmdir('data1') ''' # Not enough information input if (name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.rmdir(name)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the RMDIR command storeClient.rmdir (token, name=name)
[docs] def copyurl(self, url=None, name=None): ''' Copy a file to VOSpace using a URL. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL location of the file. name : str The name of the file in VOSpace. The vos:// prefix is not necessary. Example ------- Copy the file to output1.fits in VOSpace. .. code-block:: python dl.copyurl('','output1.fits') ''' # Not enough information input if (url is None or name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.copyurl(url,name)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Run the LOAD command name = (name if name.startswith('vos://') else ('vos://'+name)) storeClient.load(token, name, url)
[docs] def load(self, name=None, inpfmt=None, fmt='pandas', ext=None): ''' Save the string representation of a data object to a file in VOSpace. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the file in load into memory. The vos:// prefix is necessary otherwise it is assumed a local file that should be read. Currently only FITS binary tables and CSV file formats are supported. inpfmt : str Tne input format type. The currently supported types are FITS binary tables, HDF5, CSV, and ASCII files ('string'). If this is not specified then the file extension of ``name`` is used to attempt to figure out the format. fmt : str The data type format to output. Permitted values are: * 'csv' the returned result is a comma-separated string that looks like a csv file (newlines at the end of every row) * 'ascii' same as csv but tab-delimited * 'string' just a straight read of ASCII into a string * 'array' Numpy array * 'structarray' Numpy structured / record array * 'pandas' a Pandas data frame * 'table' in Astropy Table format * 'votable' result is a string XML-formatted as a VO table The output type for a FITS image is a numpy array. For other data 'pandas' is the default format. ext : int The FITS extension to load for images. The default is 1 for a FITS binary table and 0 for a FITS image. Example ------- Load the file "output.fits" into a pandas data frame. .. code-block:: python df = dl.load('output.fits',fmt='pandas') Load a FITS image "im1.fits". .. code-block:: python im,head = dl.load('im1.fits') ''' # Not enough information input if (name is None): print ("Syntax - dl.load(name,inpfmt=inpfmt,fmt=fmt,ext=ext)") return # Only fits, csv and string input format currently supported if inpfmt != None and inpfmt != '' and inpfmt not in ['fits','hdf5','csv','string']: print ("Format '%s' not currently supported for input file." % inpfmt) return # Use file extension to figure out input format if inpfmt is None: fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(name) inpfmtmap = { '.fits':'fits', '.hdf5':'hdf5', '.csv':'csv', '.txt':'string' } try: inpfmt = inpfmtmap[fext] except: print ("Cannot use file extension to determine 'inpfmt'") return # Check token if reading from VOSpace if name.startswith("vos://"): # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Check that the file exists if name.startswith("vos://"): res =,name,'csv') if res == '': print ("'%s' not found" % name) return else: if os.path.exists(name) is False: print ("'%s' not found" % name) return # Load the neccessary packages # astropy fits try: dum = fits.__doc__ except: from import fits # astropy Table try: dum = Table.__doc__ except: from astropy.table import Table # astropy votable try: dum = from_table.__doc__ except: from import from_table # Reading and conversion mapping # for reading, x=filename; for conversion, x=data object writemap = { 'fits-csv': (lambda x:,format='fits'), partial(convertTableToFormat,format='ascii.csv')), 'fits-ascii': (lambda x:,format='fits'), partial(convertTableToFormat,format='')), 'fits-array': (lambda x:,format='fits'), lambda x: x.as_array()), 'fits-structarray': (lambda x:,format='fits'), lambda x: x.as_array()), 'fits-pandas': (lambda x:,format='fits'), lambda x: x.to_pandas()), 'fits-table': (lambda x:,format='fits'), lambda x: x), 'fits-votable': (lambda x:,format='fits'), lambda x: from_table(x).resources[0].tables[0]), 'hdf5-csv': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), partial(convertTableToFormat,format='ascii.csv')), 'hdf5-ascii': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), partial(convertTableToFormat,format='')), 'hdf5-array': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), lambda x: x.as_array()), 'hdf5-structarray': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), lambda x: x.as_array()), 'hdf5-pandas': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), lambda x: x.to_pandas()), 'hdf5-table': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), lambda x: x), 'hdf5-votable': (lambda x:,format='hdf5'), lambda x: from_table(x).resources[0].tables[0]), 'csv-csv': (lambda x: readAscii(x), lambda x: x), 'csv-ascii': (lambda x:,format='csv'), partial(convertTableToFormat,format='')), 'csv-array': (partial(np.loadtxt,skiprows=1,delimiter=','), lambda x: x), 'csv-structarray': (lambda x:,format='csv'), lambda x: x.as_array()), 'csv-pandas': (lambda x:,format='ascii.csv'), lambda x: x.to_pandas()), 'csv-table': (lambda x:,format='ascii.csv'), lambda x: x), 'csv-votable': (lambda x:,format='ascii.csv'), lambda x: from_table(x).resources[0].tables[0]), 'string-string': (lambda x: readAscii(x), lambda x: x) } # Should add HDF5, use,format='hdf5',path='data'), h5py must be installed # Check that we can do the operation mapcode = inpfmt+'-'+fmt if mapcode not in writemap.keys(): print ("Output format '%s' not supported for input type '%s'" % (fmt, inpfmt) ) return # Open the file if name.startswith('vos://'): fh = StringIO( storeClient.get(token,name,'',verbose=False) ) else: fh = open(name,'rb') # If this is a FITS file, check if its a binary table or image if inpfmt == 'fits': fitstable = False hd = fits.getheader(fh) # reset to beginning of file if hd['EXTEND'] is True: try: tryext = (1 if ext is None else ext) hd1 = fits.getheader(fh,tryext) if hd1['XTENSION'] == 'BINTABLE': fitstable=True except: pass # reset to beginning of file # Load a Fits image file if inpfmt == 'fits' and fitstable is False: try: if ext is None: ext=0 return fits.getdata(fh,ext,header=True) except Exception as e: print ("There was an error loading the FITS image '%s'" % name) print (str(e)) return # Step 1) Read the file try: rdata = writemap[mapcode][0](fh) except Exception as e: print ("Error reading file") print (str(e)) return # Step 2) Convert to output format try: return writemap[mapcode][1](rdata) except Exception as e: print ("Error converting data") print (str(e)) return
[docs] def save(self, data=None, name=None, fmt=None, clobber=False): ''' Save the string representation of a data object to a file in VOSpace. Parameters ---------- data : str The data object such as a pandas data frame or numpy structured array. name : str The name of the file in VOSpace to create. The vos:// prefix is not necessary. fmt : str The format to use for the output file. If this is not specified then the file extension of ``name`` is used to attempt to figure out the format. The currently supported input and output formats are: Data type Format csv csv ascii ascii array csv/fits structarray csv/fits pandas csv/fits/hdf5 table csv/fits/hdf5 votable csv/fits/hdf5 clobber : bool Whether to overwrite an existing file. The default is False. Example ------- Save the pandas data frame called "df" to a file called "data1.csv" in VOSpace. .. code-block:: python,'data1.csv') ''' # Not enough information input if (data is None or name is None): print ("Syntax -,name,fmt=fmt,clobber=clobber)") return # If fmt is None then try to guess format from the output filename extension if fmt is None: fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(name) fmtmap = { '.fits':'fits', '.hdf5':'hdf5', '.csv':'csv', '.xml':'xml' } try: fmt = fmtmap[fext] except: print ("Cannot use file extension to determine 'fmt'") return # Input data object types # -'csv', type='str', ',' delimited # -'ascii', type='str', '\t' delimited # -'array' numpy array, type='numpy.ndarray', data.dtype = dtype('float64'), data.shape=(1000,39), len(data.shape)=2, data.dtype.names=None # -'structarray' numpy structured array, type='numpy.ndarray', data.dtype = all columns, data.shape=(1000,), len(data.shape)=1 # -'pandas' data frame, type='pandas.core.frame.DataFrame' # -'table' astropy table, type='astropy.table.table.Table' # -'votable', astropy VOtable, type='' inptypemap = {'str':'csv', 'numpy.ndarray':'numpy','pandas.core.frame.DataFrame':'pandas', 'astropy.table.table.Table':'table', '':'votable'} datatype = str(type(data)).split("'")[1] # "<type 'numpy.ndarray'>" try: inptype = inptypemap[datatype] except: print ("Data object type %s not supported." % datatype) # Discern 'csv' vs. 'ascii' if (inptype == 'csv'): if len(data[0:5000].split('\t')) > len(data[0:5000].split(',')): inptype='ascii' # Discern 'array' vs. 'structarray' if (inptype == 'numpy'): inptype = 'array' # default if len(data.shape) == 1: inptype='structarray' # Import the modules if necessary # astropy fits try: dum = fits.__doc__ except: from import fits # astropy Table try: dum = Table.__doc__ except: from astropy.table import Table # astropy votable try: dum = writeo.__doc__ except: from import from_table, writeto # Check token if writing to VOSpace if name.startswith("vos://"): # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) # Check that we have a good token if not authClient.isValidToken(token): raise Exception ("Invalid user name and/or password provided. Please try again.") # Check if the file exists already if name.startswith("vos://"): res =,name,'csv') if res != '': if clobber is False: print ("'%s' already exists." % name) return else: storeClient.rm(token,name) # clobber it else: if os.path.exists(name) is True: if clobber is False: print ("'%s' already exists." % name) return else: os.remove(name) # clobber it # What local file are we writing to # 1) local file, use name # 2) vos:// file, use temporary filename outname = name if name.startswith("vos://"): tfd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() outname = tfd.close() # Output formats supported # -'csv', (1) csv # -'ascii', (1) csv # -'array', (1) csv, (2) FITS array # -'structarray', (1) csv, (2) FITS binary table # -'pandas', (1) csv, (2) FITS binary table, (3) HDF5 # -'table', (1) csv, (2) FITS binary table, (3) HDF5 # -'votable', (1) csv (2) FITS binary table, (3) HDF5, XML not working right now # These are functions to output the various types of files # x=data, y=filename writemap = { 'csv-csv': lambda x,y: writeAscii(y, x), 'ascii-csv': lambda x,y: writeAscii(y, x), # use tab-delimited 'ascii-ascii': lambda x,y: writeAscii(y, x), 'array-csv': lambda x,y: np.savetxt(y,x,delimiter=','), 'array-fits': lambda x,y: fits.writeto(y,x,overwrite=True), 'structarray-csv': lambda x,y: np.savetxt(y,x,delimiter=',',header=','.join(x.dtype.names)), 'structarray-fits': lambda x,y: fits.writeto(y,x,overwrite=True), 'pandas-csv': lambda x,y: x.to_csv(y,sep=',',header=True), 'pandas-fits': lambda x,y: Table.from_pandas(x).write(y,format='fits'), 'pandas-hdf5': lambda x,y: Table.from_pandas(x).write(y,format='hdf5',path='table'), 'table-csv': lambda x,y: x.write(y,format='ascii.csv'), 'table-fits': lambda x,y: x.write(y,format='fits'), 'table-hdf5': lambda x,y: x.write(y,format='hdf5',path='table'), 'votable-csv': lambda x,y: x.to_table().write(y,format='ascii.csv'), 'votable-fits': lambda x,y: x.to_table().write(y,format='fits'), 'votable-hdf5': lambda x,y: x.to_table().write(y,format='hdf5',path='table') } # Check that we can deal with the requested input and output formats if inptype+'-'+fmt not in writemap.keys(): print ("Output format '%s' for data type '%s' not currently supported." % (fmt, inptype)) return # Write the file try: writemap[inptype+'-'+fmt](data,outname) except Exception as e: print ("There was a problem writing the file") print (str(e)) # Put to VOSpace if necessary if name.startswith('vos://'): storeClient.put (token, outname, name, verbose=False) os.remove(outname) # remove temporary file
################################################ # SIA Tasks ################################################
[docs] def siaquery(self, ra=None, dec=None, dist=None, verbose=False): ''' Perform a SIA query with a set of coordinates or from an uploaded file. Parameters ---------- ra : float The right ascension (in degrees) of the point to use for the search. dec : float The declination (in degrees) of the point to use for the search. dist : float The search distance (radius) in degrees. The default is 0.0085 deg. verbose : bool Use verbose output. The default is False. Returns ------- images : votable The list of images in Astropy table format. Example ------- Perform a simple SIA search. .. code-block:: python itab = dl.siaquery(0.5,10.0,0.1) The image list contains 6 entries Download the first image using :func:`copyurl()`. .. code-block:: python dl.copyurl(itab['access_url'][0],'im1.fits') ''' # Not enough information input if ((ra is None) or (dec is None)) : print ("Syntax - dl.siaquery(ra, dec, dist, file=None, out=None, verbose=False)") return # Check if we are logged in if not checkLogin(self): return token = getUserToken(self) parts = token.strip().split(".") uid = parts[1] # Use pyvo.dal.sia for now svc = sia.SIAService (SIA_DEF_ACCESS_URL) if dist is None: dist = SIA_DEF_SIZE # Run the search query with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AstropyWarning) # Turn off some annoying astropy warnings images =,dec), (dist/np.cos(dec*np.pi/180), dist), verbosity=2) nrows = images.votable.nrows print ("The image list contains",nrows,"entries") res = (images.votable.to_table() if nrows > 0 else None) # Print the results if verbose set if verbose is True and nrows > 0: print (res) return res